This research paper represents the concept of marriage and divorce, and relate with my personal experience in the life. The concept of structure of family and, step marriages is presented in this paper in order to give an idea that why and how step marriages are prevailing in all over the world. This paper also discusses about the adoption of the white African child and, consequences of adopting such children. This research paper is giving an idea of issues with the children of step marriages and their adoption.
Facts and Basic Information about my Family4
Statuses and Roles5
Social Class7
Marriage and Paper
Marriage is the relation which binds the two individuals together and, they promise to live together and share feelings, hopes and stresses. They have to feel emotions of each other and sorrows at the time of pain. Marriage has the direct affect on the lives of children and their uprising. When marriages are not done according to the family, caste and religion then, the marriage becomes a torment like situation for the children.
If mother or father takes divorce then, life of children become stressful and, they do not have much options as either to live with the father or mother (Nijole, 2008). When any of the parents marry other individuals then, children have to compromise with the step father or mother because the step parents do not give pure love as the biological parents give.
There are several other reasons like if the children are adopted after the marriage then the step parents i.e. mother or father do not give them proper attention and affection. However, in my scenario this situation is a bit different and I am quite happy with my parents. I am summarizing the history and story of my family in which there are issues of social classes, family statuses and roles, and gender issues. By all this I want to share my experiences that I have felt this phase of my life.
Facts and Basic Information about my Family
I grew up in Wilber, Nebraska Ann, as we know that the family structure in Nebraska is similar to the United States in which there is a family support system. This support involves two married individuals who have to give support and care to both of their children. This structure is common in all over the Nebraska and, I also belong first to this family structure but, later it has changed.
After certain advancement in our societies, we have seen certain cases of divorce and separations. These divorces are leaving bad impressions on the minds of children (Nijole, 2008). There is also a concept of single parent family in which one biological parent has to assist the offspring without the help of other biological parent.
On the other hand, step families are becoming common in Nebraska because, divorce and remarriage rate is rising day by day. This is done in order to bring two families in relation and, families may already have step children or no ...