Marriage And Family

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Marriage and Family

Marriage and Family


Marriage, these days, is being considered as an antiquated custom and nothing more than that. As a normal practice, duos start living together before getting married, and some even live together for some time of their lives or forever and they do not marry at all. Marriage has become confined to an agreement on a piece of paper which is of no sheer worth to them.

Great number of teen ager girls gets pregnant before marriage and they eventually nurture their children as a single parent to them. The biological fathers of these children hardly accept the responsibility of the upbringing of their children and leave their partners to struggle alone. Although many of these single parents prove to be excellent trainers for their children, however, the need for a father may never be overlooked. During the past twenty years, there has been a tremendous reduction in the percentage of teens becoming mothers. Despite of this fact, the US has a population of teens getting pregnant, almost nine times greater than other urbanized countries (Wendy D,, 2005).

Now, in case of married couples, what is most usually observed as the bone of contention is the issue of staying back at home to look after the children. With the amplification in rates and taxes, it has become eminent that both the parents work; then who among the two would watch over the children, staying at home (Steven A., 2010).

Institution of marriage - archaic tradition or vital custom

The institution of marriage is essential so much so it is the foundation for the substratum of the communal health and solidity of the entire American Nation. Marriage, according to me, is absolutely not an archaic tradition that should be abandoned; in fact it is the vital requirement for the population of a country to lead a prosperous, committed and guided life. The world changes and as a result, the people in the world also adapt and change accordingly. When discussing the institution of marriage it is important to understand that there is a difference between changing things and abandoning things.

The convention of marriage is more than just a printed agreement; rather it symbolizes several other things. Marriage represents commitment and love for another person. Children need to grow up in an environment in which couples are committed to, and are loyal and faithful to each other. Marriage also teaches children about respect. When two people get married, they commit to a statement that they respect the other person so much as to spend their life being devoted to that person.

Whether a person is a single parent by choice, or by circumstances, the most important factors that need to be instilled in children are love, affection, devotion, the importance of commitment and respect for oneself and others. One of the most difficult aspects to raising a child is that life is changing on a daily basis. We are living in a volatile world where mishaps happen with ...
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