Global Branding

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Global Branding

Global Branding


Branding is the most leading and central trend in the worldwide industries. Therefore, the powerful brand will fetch a well-built advantage to the company. An effective brand image enables customers to recognize the desires that the brand convinces and to distinguish the products from its rivals, and subsequently enhances the possibility that the customer will prefer the brand(Fan, 2006, 5-14). On the other hand, the brand value and brand image of the players in the industry can be reinforced using numerous ways of brand communications like the word of mouth, packaging, advertising, and other tools of promotion, etc. In this essay, I aim to find out the significance of the brand value and image. The concepts of brand value and brand image are playing a vital role in all industries. Therefore, in this assignment I am finding out the importance of branding in order to attain the competitive advantage (Keller & Lehmann, 2006, 740-759).

Brand value and image are a significant and growing part of the branding, which serves many functions. There is a significant important of brand image and brand value for both customers and organizations. The customers recognize the “brand value” and utilize the services of the branded items on the basis of the brand image(Lash & Lury, 2007, pp. 403-405). Many studies show that the brand value and image enhance the loyalty level of the customers. By enhancing the value and image of the brand, the profit and revenue of the organizations and industries will increase, and they will also be able to attract more customers as compared to their competitors. The essay will provide the in-depth analysis on the significance of these concepts industries and organizations and in what ways these concepts are beneficial and advantageous for the organizations and customers (Munar, 2011, pp. 291-305). I have tried to explore a few important terms in the world of branding. Today almost every little or big organization is going after the concept of branding.


However, the UK companies seek to position their brands according to local demand introduce the concepts of product quality and brand as a way differentiation, and to adopt a strategy for product and communication for these countries. The reason is to focus on penetration strategy for lower prices that affect the results. Companies with more experience reach other more distant countries, following the concept of gradual evolution of exports explained by school, and it has shown better results than focusing on those traditional markets.

The companies surveyed, identified advantages and export that seem to realize t the process internationalization. The reason is to analyze gradual and medium to long term by admitting that profitability is not the main reason for exports. The profitability seems to be treated because of opening new markets and increase sales.

The incongruence between the insertion strategy product and pricing for the export market has reflected the low export performance that, on average, representing 16.78% of company revenues. The companies reported on the use primarily of trade fairs and marketing ...
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