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Section 4 - Explain Government-Led Skills Development Initiatives

[Unit / Assignment]



Government-Led Skills Development Initiatives1

Role of Government in Training, Development and Lifelong Learning2

Impact of Development of Competency Movement on Public and Private Sectors4

Contribution of contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government to human resources development for an organization5


Limitations of theory discussed7


Section 4 - Explain Government-Led Skills Development Initiatives


Government is underscoring the significance of skills development initiatives through the commencement different training programmes, software, tools, and institutes. As stated in Health Development Agency (2002, pp. 21) report, the thought of “life-long learning” is emerging as the major initiative of the government to generate various opportunities for people from different backgrounds and communities. The aim of life-long learning is to combat and remove social exclusions that will assist to encourage increased employment and dynamic citizenship among societies. Some imperative objectives of life-long learning are briefed here under:

Boost the need for learning, utilising vocational learning to formulate stimulating and a fun learning process

Integrate top class training, to persuade the European and the UK local market, and to persuade the demands of the economy, as well.

Provide people the opportunity to re-develop their skills, without attending continuous courses and conventional training, however to merely upgrade existing knowledge and skills (Leader, 2003, pp. 362).


Government-Led Skills Development Initiatives

In the field of developing skills, government of the UK has taken a number of initiatives, mainly through training and learning tools. These tools and software mainly include QCDA, OfQual; learning and skills council (LSC); sector skills councils (SSCs); learndirect; investors in people (IiP); national skills academies; apprenticeship schemes; new deal; train to gain and NVQs.

Role of Government in Training, Development and Lifelong Learning

According to health development agency (2002, pp. 2) “the department for Education and Skills (DfES)” is responsible for making policies on training and education in the UK. It is a government based department. Likewise, other departments and initiatives include Ofqual (office of qualifications and examinations regulations) that is an authoritarian structure for assessments on national level. In its section 9, according to ( QCDA (qualifications and curriculum development agency) is responsible to make sure that people are affirmed that statutory National Assessments fulfil the needs of general criterion (Adams, 2012, pp. 2).

Ofqual's is presently vital and its focus is concentrating on controlling the honouring organisations. Its further the effect will be seen in the later examinations of some recompensing organisations and the data they seem to have given in preparing about exam content. The activity Ofqual has taken through their new regulation "General Conditions of Recognition". As per (, this regulation applies over all QCF and Ofqual directed capabilities and it is just a matter of time before Ofqual's consideration turns to the post-16 segment and capability defeat.

In majority countries the government only can't provide adequate resources and capital for high quality training and development. Private sector, by various firms and private learning and training sectors, frequently fill up the fissure (Lussier & Achua, 2009, pp. 52). In order to accomplish the aforementioned outcomes, it is essential and ...
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