Marketing Strategies

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Marketing Strategy

Table of Contents


Target market4

Marketing Objectives9

The marketing mix11

a. Product Strategy11

b. Price Strategy17

c. Place17

d. Promotion18


Marketing Strategy


Australian Advanced Driving provides a 'hands on' driver-training program designed to provide learner drivers with the skills that assist in increasing the level of expertise behind the wheel. The content of the program is also designed to provide the mandatory 120 hours, including 20 hours at night, driving experience required by learner drivers to reach their driving test. The course is made up of a 50:50 mix of practical and theory. The practical driving component is conducted on wet/dry roads during the day/night at suburban speeds where participants are placed behind the wheel of their own vehicle, or one will be provided if they do not have a vehicle yet, and includes a variety of on road exercises. Australian public have weathered the Global Financial Crisis extremely well, and with an unemployment rate of 5.2% and falling, there is a clear trend that, with incomes expected to rise, consumers should have the purchasing power to afford the training program offered by Australian Advanced Driving. There is an increasing number of young adults who are clearly in-experienced drivers and have attitudes favourable to “norm-defying” behaviours that contribute to a lack of respect for the rules and regulations that are there to help young drivers achieve the skills and experience necessary to be sensible drivers on our roads. The cultural environment is probably the biggest marketing threat as to try and convince young drivers they are not as good as they think they are and to get them to see that they need to improve their driving experience and skills is almost impossible. Young drivers are increasingly oblivious to the dangers they not only place themselves under, but also the people around them, whether it be their passengers or other vehicles passengers they may potentially affect. Younger drivers also have an attitude of “you can't tell me what to do” and this could potentially have a negative impact on any planned marketing strategy. Due to the growing public concern surrounding the environment, the natural environment has the ability to significantly impact the target market for Australian Advanced Driving.

Target market


Each group has different needs based on lifestyle and past driving experience. Many of our adult drivers are people with tight work schedules who can only devote time for driver education at lunch hours and in the evenings. We have designed classes that meet such needs. In addition, unlike our young students, many of the adults are pre-existing drivers who either need brush up courses, defensive driver courses or are required to take a course due to traffic violations. For these individuals Australian Advanced Driving has compressed courses designed to get the driver back onto the street quickly but safely. These courses concentrate more on the rules of the road than on driving skills.

For our beginner drivers, the majority of whom are teenagers, we offer courses both in the summertime, after school and AT their ...
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