Marketing Research

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Marketing Research

Marketing Research

Question 1: comparison of focus group and Delphi method

Online and Offline Focus Group

A focus group is a form of qualitative research conducted in a group interview format. The focus group typically consists of a group of participants and a researcher who serves as the moderator for discussions among the group members. In focus groups, there is not always the usual exchange of questions and answers between the researcher and the group that one would commonly envision in an interview setting. Rather, the researcher often ensures that specific topics of research interest are discussed by the entire group in hopes of extracting data and self-disclosure that might otherwise be withheld in the traditional researcher-interviewee environment. In this entry, the purpose, history, format, advantages and disadvantages, and future direction of focus groups are discussed.

Delphi Method

The Delphi technique is a group communication process as well as a method of achieving a consensus of opinion associated with a specific topic. Predicated on the rationale that more heads are better than one and that inputs generated by experts based on their logical reasoning are superior to simply guessing, the technique engages a group of identified experts in detailed examinations and discussions on a particular issue for the purpose of policy investigation, goal setting, and forecasting future situations and outcomes. Common surveys try to identify what is. The Delphi technique attempts to assess what could or should be ().

Question 2: New and Emerging Areas of Marketing Research

The new and emerging research areas not only involve operating the constructs but also the advancements in the development of the theories. Therefore, in this regard, the author highlighted new and emerging areas for marketing research;

Avoidance in industry specific measures through scholarly research; The researchers always been concerned of the different determinants that are important constructs of the consumer behaviour that is considered as an important variable of the brand management. Therefore, some of the independent variables used in the Mobile phone Industry are basically not valid for other industries. For instance, Boeck and Lamarre argued in their study that most of the important constructs in the consumer behaviour are adaption and acceptance, loyalty, satisfaction and trust, and attitudes towards the mobile phone industry marketing and to study the value creating in mobile phone industry. However, now these constructs cannot be used for other industry, therefore, the author is of the view that new and emerging areas already established by different research variables for different industries.

Focus on stakeholders not on customers or 4 P's, in this regard; the organization focus must be on the different stakeholders and not just on customers.

Another new emerging trend in marketing research is developed through emerging trend of online advertising (Umar, et. al., 2012, pp. 1-5).

Question 3: computer mediated and conventional focus group

The direct comparison between computer mediated communication (CMC) and conventional focus group research produced the results that are unfavourable for CMC. However, the computer mediated communication may offer advantages in the area of online focus group, ...
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