Marketing Report

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Marketing Report

Executive Summary

Marks and Spencer is one of the largest retailers in UK and has been dealing for many years. The business had emerged as a small stall late back in 1884 in a small town of UK, by Michael Marks and later the stall changed in to a retailer when Michael got a business partner, Spencer. Marks and Spencer is well-known in the world, and this success is a result of execution of great ideas and planning. The focus of the company was towards providing its customers with high quality products at low prices. The company not only focuses on quality and price, but also emphasizes on providing its customers with hygienic, stylish, and advanced products which can fulfill their demands and provide them with value. The mission of the company is to grow into a world class retailer, by providing its customers with amazing and happening shopping environment in their stores and retail outlets. Marks and Spencer is one of the leading retailers with its dealings all around the world. They deal in four business units including clothes, food, furniture and electronics. In 1884, the business emerged as a stall and later it turned out into a successful business which is operating, and dealing globally. The reason of the success of the company is its high quality products, and low pricing strategy. The management of the company has emphasized on producing high quality products which can fulfill the needs and demands of people. The company has faced ups and downs in these past few years, and it is the result of its continuous efforts that it has been able to maintain and retain its position in the market. This report emphasizes on the key issues that the company has faced in these many years, and how the management has been able to cope up with these issues. The key factors are determined after analyzing and evaluating the external environment using the Porter's five forces model, and then the strategically available options are identified and observed which will help in dealing with these crucial issues with a few recommendations to stay competitive.

Executive Summaryii

Marketing Report1



Background to the UK Market2

Strategic Marketing Audit - Finding ways to increase visitors and increasing/expanding business3

Credit Cards3

Visa Limitations3

Language Barriers3

Transport Issues3

Visitors travelling to UK has risen to 70m according to the estimate of the United Nations Tourist Organization.3

European Competition4

Porter's Five Force Model4

Threat of Substitutes5

Threat of New Entrants5

Threat of Suppliers5

Threat of Buyers5

Industry Rivalry6

Strategic Options6


Strategic Marketing Plan7

Entering Britain7

Recommendations and Constraints8




Porter's Five Forces13

PESTEL Analysis14

Annotated Bibliography15

Primary Source15

Secondary Sources15

Marketing Report


Marks and Spencer is a part of the fashion industry of UK, which is growing and developing with the passage of time. The fashion industry of UK is one of the most leading industries of UK, which is playing an important role in the development of the economy of the country. There are several companies which are a part of the fashion industry, and together they are a reason for the development and success of this ...
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