Marketing Questions

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Marketing Questions

Answer 1

Market Segmentation (Demographics)


Consumers' ages 8-14 eat the largest percentage of Cocoa cereals consumers. Because of the dense concentration already in the market, it is suggested that companies try to boost usage occasions among strong consumer bases, instead of bringing in new users to the category. Based upon the primary research conducted, the cereal brands are resonating with younger consumers, specifically among 8-14 year olds.

Household Income

Income levels not only affect how many times a consumer eats breakfast, but more importantly what they choose for breakfast foods. Studies have also shown that consumers with higher income levels ($100K-149.9K) are more likely to consume premium cereal brands, while lower income levels (<$25K) choose private label cereals with a lower price point.

Number of Children

Based on studies that show breakfast is especially important for young, school aged children, it is no surprise that breakfast consumption increases in households with more children. However, it is important to recognize that households with no children have comparative levels of weekly breakfast consumption as households with three or more children. This is because families with no children presumably have more time in their mornings to eat breakfast, as they are not preparing their children for the day. Adults are sensitive to their children's opinions on cereals, but it is ultimately the parents' choice of which cereals to purchase and consume.

Target Segment

Today kids represents to an exceptionally vital demographic for the cereal organizations. This is not just in view of the developing kid populace in numerous nations additionally because of the capability of the youngsters to impact the buying choices of their parents. Not to overlook that these youngsters will later come to be parents and impact the dietary patterns of their kids. With developing GDP's and contracting family sizes, folks today have more disposable salary to use on their youngsters. Furthermore the way that folks attempt to overcompensate their blame of not investing enough time with their kids by giving into their youngsters' requests just supplements the past focus. This sort of social conduct makes it a simple work for advertisers to impact the purchasing conduct of their target section (Schreier, 2012).

Product Statement:

“A Chocolaty Nutrition for your child”

Marketing mix

The point when an organization like Cocoa cereals is exploring a change in its showcasing it can think about four components. These are regarded as the showcasing blend or 4ps (Mintz & Currim, 2013):


This component identifies with how the organization offers helps and needs of clients. The development in healthier lifestyles makes chances for Cocoa cereals to expand the amount of items for this fragment.


The sum an organization charges for its item is essential in confirming bargains. Super brands like Cocoa cereals can charge a premium due to the quality of the mark and item quality.


Where clients can buy the item is additionally an essential element in verifying deals. Assuming that a mark like Cocoa is not loaded in stores where most buys are made, bargains will be lost.


Communicating the accessibility of an item ...
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