Marketing Promotion Plan

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Marketing Promotion Plan

Marketing Promotion Plan

Marketing Promotion Plan


The paper would be based on providing the marketing plan for a travel/ tourism organization of choice. In this paper we would also discuss the competition faced by the company and discuss hoe the present strategy can be improved. The study would also discuss the analysis of competitive forces by using the SWOT analysis. The plan of the study would be based for building brand awareness, advertising, pricing and sales promotion. Changing consumer demographics and preferences, rapid technological advances, globalization of trade and increasing pressure on the physical environment, are some of the key drivers of the changes in tourism destinations and among the industry sectors that facilitate travel and tourism.

Ryanair LTD is an Irish based low cost airline company whose headquarter is located in Dublin Airport in Swords. Its primary operational bases are located at London Stansted Airport and Dublin Airport. Ryanair operates more than 300 Boeing 737-800 aircraft. The airline is known for rapid expansion when the aviation industry was deviated in Europe in 1997 and its low cost business model was success (Ardichvili, Cardozo, Ray, 2003, p. 110).

Mission Statement

The mission statement of the company is to be the largest low cost Leader in the European airline industry

Company Objective

The mission of the company is:

To offer the lowest price at all time on all routes with no fuel surcharge guaranteed.

Provide the agreed charge after payment and notify passengers of about cancellations, diversions and delays and minimize their count.

Provide efficient customer service by responding to customer complaints and passenger information.

The above mentioned objectives further highlight that every customer prefers low cost airlines and many companies adopt the above strategies in order to be the well-known. In big markets, best airlines have disadvantage of being low cost airlines as they cannot make a profit at low charges. Ryan Air is considered as a low cost airline. Ryan Air started its operation in 1985 between Waterford in Ireland and London Gatwick airport. Declan, Shane Ryan and Catlan are known as the three founders of Ryanair. Their idea was to offer low cost services between London and Ireland. At present, Ryan air is known as Britain's favorite airline. It has a team of more than 7000 people at present.

Situational Analysis

The situational analysis of the company is based on analyzing the external environment as well as the organizational capability. The internal strengths of Ryan air have changed in order to compete in the travel industry. Ryanair has become the low cost airline in UK. With the increasing strength of its market, Ryanair resources have been directed toward strengthening the overnight travelers market. In addition to marketing the destination to potential travelers, the company also provides online bookings of the airlines. It also supports the management of program by providing administrative services to assist with the program's promotion and managing the tourism hotline. Yet to use this framework, according to the authors, existing destination management practices must change. The external opportunity for growth is that older ...
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