Marketing Process

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Report on Marketing Plan

Elements of the Marketing Process1

Benefits and Costs of a Marketing Orientation at McDonalds2

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning3

Macro and Micro Environment3

Political/ Legal Factors3

Economic Factors4

Socio-cultural Factors5

Technological Factors5

Environmental/ Ethical Factors6

SWOT Analysis7





Product Development8


Salad Bar8

Segmentation Criteria9

Target Strategy9


Marketing Plan10

Institute Brand Loyalty10


Continuous Innovation11

Energetic Team11

Bring Incentives11


Pricing Strategy12

Marketing Mix12




Segments and Promotions13


Marketing Mix in Different Contexts14

Marketing Products and Services to an Organisation15

Bargaining Power of Buyers16

Bargaining Power of Suppliers16

Business-To-Business Marketing Analysis16

International Marketing vs. Domestic Marketing17

Domestic Marketing17

International Marketing18


Profits and Benefits18


Political Implications19


Marketing Strategy to Market Abroad19


Elements of the Marketing Process

The elements of the marketing process are by all means a set of convenient tools which the organization uses to intermingle and generate specific responses they want while targeting the market. Precisely, it includes everything that the organization is able to do create and encourage the demand for their product (Kotler et al., 2010, pp.1-97). Any marketing process comprises of at least four steps. It addresses the urge of creating a value of your brand among the target market. As a marketer, you have to constantly monitor the prevailing marketing environment. To avail the opportunities, you have to have ideal communication plan in your hand. All the above efforts will complement your segmentation, targeting the market and positioning of the product/ brand. Creating a demand for your brand is not an easy task since there are numerous brands already available in the market. There has to be something differentiating and different to capture the attention of the target market. The external environment is always changing; you can rely permanently on your strategies to manage the threats and opportunities. The environment is quite unpredictable with sudden periods of recession and inflation (Brassington & Pettitt, 2003, pp.5-315).

At successful organizations leadership personally monitors the dynamics of the environment. Communication plan must comprise of numerous promotional strategies that should instil the willingness among the target audience. The more you communicate your brand, greater are the chances for the success of your marketing plan which is the ultimate profitability. Segmentation is imperative since you cannot address all the consumers at a time with the same product. You have to differentiate them according to their needs, behaviour, demographics and psychographics. If the kids and youth love to eat a zinger burger, it is not necessary that old adults should also like to have it. Targeting is all about selecting the chunk of consumers you want to serve and make profits. According to Kotler (et al., 2010, pp.1-97) the assortment of a certain segment should depend on the attractiveness of that segment and the strength and weaknesses of the organisation. There are other parameters one has to take care like there are a few competitors serving a segment is better than to have a segment with a lot of competitors. The same way, any growing segment is far more attractive than a shrinking one. Positioning is about creating a certain image of your brand in the minds of the consumers. All these elements are imperative to aiming a desirable process of marketing (Adcock et ...
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