Marketing Principle

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Marketing Principle

Marketing Principle


Social care is a very sensitive and important activity. Since legislations now allow care bodies and local authorities to outsource elements of the healthcare process, the need to take care in order to ensure that every aspect is handled with integrity, professionalism, and expertise.

BS Social Care recruits home, day, field, and residential workers to work with people with mental disabilities, young people, families and children, and with the elderly. The people hired are highly qualifies in order to provide the best services.

Although the quality of BS social Care is regarded one of the best, several new competitors have entered the market that have made it difficult for the organization to maintain its high quality and profits. Competitors have forced the organization to increase the salary of its employees and offer their services to customers at lower prices.

Task 1

Marketing Process

The first element of the marketing process is Scanning the marketing environment. It includes a constant process of scanning all through the years. This is done to analyze the changes in the market and opportunities that come along with it. BS Social Care is well known in the care industry for its scanning strategy. One of the most important tools used in scanning the environment is SWOT analysis. It explains the detailed position of the company (Kotler, 2008, pp. 28-29).

The next stage is segmentation. Segmentations are created on the basis of opportunities analyzed and defined in the previous step. Customers have different needs and wants, one strategy for all is not a right way to go. In this modern age companies can't afford to make one strategy for all, competition will wipe away the market share by creating custom made or tailored segments for customers.

The next step of the marketing process is targeting. Targeting is the most crucial stage of the marketing process. In this section you use all the opportunities and trends that were processed in scanning the environment stage. For a marketing based firm this is stage is very important. Analysis of factors like economy, demographics, technology, politics, social changes and competition is done to give out the best result.

Customers have intrinsic needs and want which are not easy to understand that is why companies like BS Social Care focus on marketing research to determine the needs of the patients and the staff required to provide care for them. Segmentation must be based on firm's strength and weaknesses. The last process for scanning the environment is market positioning. This is the most important concept. Unique characteristics about the brand must be positioned inside the customers mind.

Benefits and Costs associated with Marketing Orientation of BS Social Care

The pros of market orientation are far reaching and many organizations have incorporated market orientation rigorously in their operational mechanisms. Effective utilization of market orientation not only results in an enhanced business performance but also there is a high degree of innovation achieved through evidence based practice of market orientation. Earlier market orientation relied heavily on the aspect of just selling the products ...
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