Marketing Planning Process

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Marketing Planning Process

Marketing Planning Process


Marketing is the fundamental function for any organization in the world. The main elements behind the success of tehg businesses in the curtrent are the marketing factor. Firms invest huge amounts on the marketing area of their organization in order to result with better and positive outcomes for the organizations. The paper discusses the role of a marketing manager in developing the organizational strategies. The discussion is based on the assumption of an organization that has gone through the internal audit and has highlighted various aspects that need to be worked on. There is also comparison of the strategies of the organization with the marketing mix. The firm has assigned a task to the marketing manager in order to receive some effective strategies that can be incorporated in the strategic domain of the organization and can result as a success factor for the organization (Austin, 2002, pp. n.d.). The strategic analysis has been conducted in order to develop a structure that facilitates the overall function of the firm. The analysis that has been done is aimed to deal with the competitive pressures, and provide with potential strategies that can act as a threat for the competitors and asset the organization. The paper has been explained by considering the scenario of a leading super market retailer in the United Kingdom, to make things more clear and effective to understand, in the context of strategies and marketing.

Marketing Planning Process

Scenario of the Organization

The marketing audit of the organization has been conducted by the senior management relate3d to all the relevant aspects. The company has focused on all the strategies that have been implemented in the organization and how the company has been responding to these strategies. It has also highlighted the effectiveness of these strategies. The marketing audio has also been conducted to ensure that the company is meeting its goals and objective as per the marketing mix of the organization, defined previously. Now, the task is to develop a marketing plan for the next financial year which can help the organization in receiving more revenues, with better performance. The marketing manager has been assigned the role of dealing with such factors. The company has also requested the marketing manager of the organization to conduct an analysis along with his team that can improvise the overall processes of the organization. The plan will include the market segmentation, and all the aspects that are a part of the strategic analysis of the organization. It also includes the other associated factors that include the marketing mix, target market, and the desired positioning strategies. The organization that has been taken into consideration for the market analysis and audit is a leading retailer in the United Kingdom. The core aim is to design and develop a strategic plan for this organization.

The Marketing Audit

The marketing audit is a comprehensive and systematic feature that is a complete review of the environment and the organizational ...
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