Marketing Plan Of Taggletooth

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Marketing Plan of Taggletooth


Mission Statement2


Situation Analysis3





E- Marketing Strategic Planning5

Objectives of E-Business Strategy6

E- Marketing Strategy6

Ansoff Matrix7

Implementation Plan8


Evaluation Plan12

Commitment of Taggletooth to CSR13

Key Concepts14

SWOT Analysis14

Ansoff Matrix14

Marketing Mix14


Marketing Plan of Taggletooth


Taggletooth is a professional photography company based in Hinton in Oklahoma, serving its clients all over the world. Taggletooth is a website that presents a new way to buy and sell event photography, giving it coverage of a unique kind. From sporting events to social functions, the events can be just about anything; Taggletooth attend all these events as either spectators or participants. Taggletooth happily work with clients and accept assignments and projects from the whole of the United States and outside. The mantra of Taggletooth is to be known for the professional work that is produced in a unique manner. Taggletooth represents a new way of thinking about photography and to be the market leader in providing photography resources to individuals and organizations alike.

Taggletooth has an updated database of photos, relating to every other event in town. The website provides for free selling of photography pertaining to an event and the buyers can select from a range of photos to buy from. The aim of this paper to prepare a e-marketing plan for Taggletoothwebsite that would enable the business to focus on getting its name and professional services out into the photography world, letting the world know about its unique idea of making every event- memorable! Understanding the costs related to marketing and focusing on the avenues that produces the most return is vital to the success of Taggletooth. This websites is one-of-a-kind, making it an interesting affair to take pictures, upload them on the website, and sell them to others. It provides an incentive to take money for all those extra clicks at any event.

Mission Statement

The mission statement of Taggletooth is “finding photos on Taggletooth is a piece of cake!”


The objectives of Taggletooth include:

Broadening and diversification of organic search traffic by expanding keyword coverage

Boosting of overall traffic of site by 15% for an increase in revenue

Situation Analysis

Below are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis for Taggletooth in its respective industry:


E-marketing, in itself, supports a digital environment that enhances processes and activities for businesses.

Consumers have more control on the Internet, so that each marketing effort undertaken by the website can go a long way in creating or maintaining customers and sellers.

It is a unique idea, not many websites out there on the Web are catering to this side of event photography.

Experienced and innovative managers of the Website including administrators.

Wide database catering to each and every event.

Strong artistic Team with a vision.

Improved conversion rates.

Personalization through targeted offers.

Unsubscribe options to reach the most genuine ones, only.


Small opt-in customer list, most site users seek to remain anonymous.

Marketing efforts are not being very strong at projecting a wide range of buyers and sellers.

Few photographer sellers are interested in this strangely-targeted market; many are not familiar to the ...