Marketing Plan Of Nokia

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Marketing Plan of Nokia

Marketing Plan of Nokia

I.Executive Summary

Nokia is a leading manufacturer of mobile device having global presence also has a very high market share. Most of the people prefer to use Nokia cell phones as they are user-friendly, and durable. These qualities of Nokia products have allowed it to build good will among its customers and the company has gained customer loyalty which has allowed it to diversify its business in the cell phone market all across the globe. The telecommunications sector in the world has largely transformed due to the technological advancements that continue to take place every day, and this has turned the telecommunications market into a field that has diverse market segments and sizes. In order to diversify into new markets and increase share in the current markets, it is integral that Nokia follows a marketing plan which will help with the ideas the company needs to consider while increasing its market share and pleasing its current consumers.

The marketing strategy, the customer environment, the internal and external environment and SWOT analysis are all integral components of the marketing plan which will help the company in achieving its goals and objectives. The cell phone market is growing at a rapid speed and poses good opportunities for new models of cell phones to enter the market and gain the market share. Even though there are more opportunities than threats, some threats still exist in terms of competitors and the global recession which the company needs to keep in mind while working on its marketing strategies.

II.Situation Analysis

A.The Internal Environment

Nokia is a company based on communications, which focuses on technology of mobile telephones. The marketing goals and objectives of the company have always been to focus on providing new phones of diverse variety, in order to suit the needs of different consumers wanting to buy phones of different prices. When cell phones were introduced at first, they came to the market as very basic phones which did not have any technology to offer other than being able to send SMS from one phone to another (Häikiö, 2002). People could just use the phones for calling and messaging. As time progressed, technological advancements occurred and then the phones which were offered had the next advancement of technology in them, which was the ability to place different style covers on the front and back of cell devices. Since then, there has been no stopping in the technological advancements, and Nokia continues to focus the objectives of its marketing on those technological advancements, such as MMS, WAP (internet), Bluetooth, polyphonic ringtones, cameras and video recorders for voice chat.

The current marketing strategy of Nokia is that it currently positions its retail stores as the lead channel in communications according to its branding strategy, as it appears to turn the shopping experience of customers into a more theatrical one. This decision came as a component of the brand's new strategy based on 'amazing everyday', which placed a higher emphasis on experiential marketing as Nokia looked ...
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