Marketing Plan Of Favourable Pacifiers

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Marketing plan of favourable pacifiers

Marketing plan of favourable pacifiers


In this modern world, doing business effectively has become a major challenge for the management of majority of companies, and to overcome this phase companies are trying to implement different plans to improve their business situations and to enhance their market growth (Daniels, 2009).

Drive energy is growing food manufacturing company operating in various states of United States. This company was incorporated in year 2000 by Maxwell and sons, and since then has tried to increase its market value by providing quality food products to its customer.

For this purpose, the management has transformed their company on few occasion like in 2004 the company was shifted across the cost line of United States, as they feel it will provide easy excess to the customers, suppliers and distributors to contact with company representatives.

In addition to this, the management of the company is following its mission and values in every aspect of the business operation, and one of the major mission of the company is to provide customer quality food items, and to sustain their loyalty for a longer period of time.

For this purpose, the management of the Drive energy has ensure quality production of all of its food items by keeping health issues in mind, and their availability in every small and larger stores of the country as reasonable price, so that every customer enjoy the delicious taste of our food. Further, this company produce food for every generation of people for instance for children it has produced foods that contain high calcium and protein that is essential for their growth (Koksal & Ozgul 2005).

Similarly, for teenager the company has produced that also contain calcium, are refreshing for their mind, and for old age people we produced food by keeping their health situation in mind for instance foods for old age cooked in special oil, with low cholesterol, and sugar (Kotler, 2001).

Meanwhile, all our food item are cooked in such an appropriate way that they contain low cholesterol, sugar, and other ingredients that are dangerous for health, and unique quality of our foods is that every age group can eat any food items he/she wants irrespective of their gender.

Products of our company

This section provide the list of our food items according to their benefits and usage

Bake foods

Food items



Baked cookies

Age 5 and above

These cookies are cooked in low oil, and it includes natural ingredients. These can be used at tea times, in school lunch, and in parties.

Mixed biscuits

Age 3 and above

They are cooked in pure oil, and it contains minimum sugar and low level of cholesterol. People mainly used these in school lunch and at tea times

Diet biscuits

40 and above, however children and other age people can also use them

They are baked in oven without oil, no sugar, and no cholesterol. Most of old age people love to eat them with tea.


Food items



Flavored juice

Age 3-15

Taken from fresh fruits, that are mainly used by children in evening or at school

Flavored milk

Age 3 ...