Marketing Plan Of Eu Yan Sang

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Marketing Plan of Eu Yan Sang

Executive Summary

Eu Yan Sang International Ltd. (EYS) is a freely held worldwide healthcare organization. It is well known for producing and showcasing of herbal products and traditional Chinese medicine. The products of the company include food and beverages, Chinese medicines, pills and capsules. Through the production of pure herbal healthcare products, this company has got extensive positive points that have actually facilitated the overall medicine industry in China. The company holds strong brand name and it has also expanded its operations in global markets, because of which it has now gained global recognition. The company has set up clinics in Singapore and Cities like Los Angeles, Sydney and Melbourne. Improved and developed R&D, because of which the company has been successful in advancing and improving research and development in the herbal health care products. The company has focused on some particular segments due to which the company has become unable to attract younger segment as compare to its international competitors. The major weakness of the company is its lack of effervescence in its image. Switzerland's important economic branch is Pharmaceutical industry. Incentives offered to prospective investors include loan guarantees, tax breaks and interest subsidies; with priority is often given to foreign businesses that bring new high technology product lines. Every product holding a strong position in the global market is required to attain a license. In the procedure of preparation, production, manufacturing, packing, handling, storage and transportation of the goods and services for distribution and sales licensing is essential.


Eu Yan Sang International Ltd. (EYS) is a freely held worldwide healthcare organization. It is well known for producing and showcasing of herbal products and traditional Chinese medicine. The products of the company include food and beverages, Chinese medicines, pills and capsules. The organization additionally provides products of skin care. It likewise furnishes spa services, integrative medical services and clinical lifestyle. Eu Yan Sang International Ltd disperses its items through drug stores, drugstores, medical halls, convenience stores, supermarkets, hospitals, health clubs and spas around the globe. The organization has improved an expansive portfolio of more than 300 high class branded items, a verity of more than more than 1,000 drug store network and medicinal herbs of over 150 stores allover in, China, Macau, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Eu Yan Sang International Ltd. (EYS) holds its vicinity in the businesses of China, Singapore, Indonesia, the United States, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia. The organization owns headquarter in Singapore Collaborations. International Environment SWOT and Market Analysis

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As mentioned above the company Eu Yang Sang is one of the biggest companies in the production and distribution of herbal healthcare products throughout the world. Therefore, the company holds several strengths that provide a competitive edge to the company over its competitors. Through the production of pure herbal healthcare products, this company has got extensive positive points that have actually facilitated the overall medicine industry in China.


Following are some of the major strengths of the ...