Marketing Plan 1

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Marketing Plan 1

Marketing Plan 1


Executive Summary

Major aim of any business is the maximization of profits and expansion of business at national and international level. Most of the businesses are involved in business expansion at small level with small investments and small plans. There are always risks factors associated with the business; therefore, most of the business decisions play a major role in planning, development, and growth of business organization. Growth of business organizations also involves expansion of business in the international market. This provides opportunities for the organization to grow in international market with right planning, information, and decision makings. ABC Company has also planned to expand its business in the international market. We believe in providing best quality services to the customer and these results in making our brand name at national level. In order to expand the circle of our customers and to provide our services to international clients, our company has planned to expand the services at in the foreign market.

Company Overview

ABC organization is one of the successful businesses in web designing and software solutions for most of the organizations at national level. This organization has been offering software services to the all the business either small or big. Our company believes on providing services irrespective of size of the firm. Every client is considered valuable and important for our company. Thus, customer satisfactions are the main concern (Baltzan & Phillips, 2009). Apart from software solutions our company also provides consultations for the small business that required information about practical business and innovative ideas.

Product Marketability

Market analysis and pricing are two very important factors on which success of a product depends. There are a number of different positive and negative factors associated with the product marketability. One aspect is to analyze and check whether product will be successful in the market are associated with the presenting product in the market through proper channels, at right time, with suitable price, and with appeal and attraction for the buyers. This is the reason that market analysis is more important before marketing of the product. Market research and evaluation of market also play roles in providing detailed information about the market. This also helps to analyze the need and success of products in the current and future market. Therefore, product marketability requires proper marketability evaluations and product evaluations.

SWOT Analysis

Like any firm, ABC Company has to face many threats and opportunities while entering into foreign market. These threats and opportunities are based on providing detailed information about the problems that a company might face while entering in foreign business and the opportunities that led to its success. Market analysis is the key to identify threats and opportunities at international level and analysis of company's internal environment provides information about strengths and weaknesses. This provides key for the success of many organizations at national and international level. SWOT analysis enables a company to know its weaknesses and threats and then to deal with it with its strengths and ...
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