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Management Consultancy Report

Executive Summary3



Critical Anlysis of International BusinessEnvironemnt6

International Business Environment has become more regional than Global9

Strategies that reduce the Competition14

Product Differentiation14

Pricing Strategy14

Innovation in Products15

Samsung Business Strategy15

Market Analysis15

Operating Profit and the Drive Within16

Marketing Strategy19

Pricing and Services19

Advertising - A Way to Conquer20

Challenges and Organizational Hierarchy20



List of Tables

Table 1: Operating Profit Value Share- An Overview (, 2013).5

Executive Summary

Samsung Electronics Corporation Limited (commonly known as “Samsung”) is a part of the Samsung group, which is leading current electronics consumer market and has introduced a number of products and services by its world renowned brand. The company has stemmed out from Seoul (South Korea) and has reached each and every continent specifically Asia, Americas and Europe. By the end of EY 2011, there were 221,726 people at their dispatch in South Korea's company.

The company deals with the manufacturing as well as distribution of the consumer electronics together with communication products, consumer products, home appliances and semiconductor products. Although the company is a part of Samsung products, dealing with a huge number of subsidiaries. The company operates in two business units or division which include the Set business telecommunication and digital media along with device business units which are responsible for sky-reaching sales of Samsung products.

The Set business is one of the most profitable wing of the company and works in the fields of design g, sales and manufacturing of handheld and mobile phones. The division also deals in personal computer and the MP3 (Moving Picture Experts Group-3) for providing state-of-the-art and completely different set of products beyond the expectations of the customer. It also include a huge line of TV and entertainment related products for providing top-notched quality products.

The device business focuses on the technology and product development department along with LCD components. The semiconductor business encompasses considerable profit margin and covers the horizons of system Logical System Integration (LSI), and storage systems division. Both the units have their domain of operation and deals with numerous products related to computing and entertainment purposes.

Management Consultancy Report -Samsung


Globalization has changed the overall picture of the business environment, it increases the competition on one hand but on the other, it helps the companies to expand their businesses too. However, to cope up with the business environment businesses and competition companies utilizes different techniques and methods. Business growth is an ultimate factor for any company weather it is related to manufacturing or it belongs to the service industry. During the phase of growth the main challenge which a company faces is 'Competition'. Therefore, businesses adopt different strategies to cut down the competition among them (Grazia, 1999).

Samsung is the world's leading consumer electronics company and a well known brand of the world. The company enjoys stout market position in addition to the strong brand recognition which has imparted substantial competitive edge within the company's profile and has even given rise to fierce competitions in the regions where there is substantial saturation of the smart phones. This has also enabled the company to explore the markets having ...