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Marketing Management

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Marketing Management


Among all the weapons of marketing, advertising has the leading impact on the

Consumer consumption is an important factor of marketing, which is directly associated with the success of a brand. The products and services are manufactured by the producers. The advertising enables the information of these products and the services to reach to the consumers. As an outcome of this translate into the buying decision of the consumer who can afford or need it. Though the need is often created by attracting the consumers in order to purchase and to consume the products and the services. Over the one and the half decades the current trends of consumption might be sustainable for the long run. The consumption is influenced by the advertising which is an important area for the intervention in order to correct the unsustainable trends of the consumption all over the world. For developing countries there is twofold problem because there is both the under consumption and the over production. The marketing or the advertising does not only enable consumers to consume the products and the services but this also enables the consumption of the lavishness while abandoning the necessities. More over, the advertising can lead for switching the traditional time tested products and the services for costlier sophisticated alternatives (Leiss, 2013).

The following paper briefly discusses about the role of advertising on the consumption of the consumers. It also briefly explains the role of advertising in the promotion of the consumptions trends. While doing the above analysis it will also be mentioned that how the rich and over consuming the luxury products and the services while the poor are getting affected. Finally it will also suggest the corrective measures among the possible roles that can be played by the advertising for the promotion of sustainable consumption (Castaño, 2010).


There are different ways of advertising that directly affects the consumption of consumers. Some of them are discussed below.

Brand Name

The brand name is the name given by the producer of the products and the services. It is the name term design, symbol or any other related characteristics which identifies the seller's product from differentiating among the other sellers. The major aim of the advertising is to affect the buying behaviours of people or the consumers therefore the brand impact is strengthened or changed rapidly among the memories of people. These memories about the brand consist of the associations, final purchases and the evaluation. The advertisers creates the ads that carries emotional bond with their consumers, thus consumers are more likely to be related with the associate with ads, that has having emotional messages and values. The consumers are more likely to be associated with the advertisements of these brands that have having these emotional messages and values. Nowadays if there is no marketing about the brand then the information or the messages about the brands will not be delivered to their consumers. Thus brand name is an important tool of advertising in order to ...
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