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Governance Leadership and Motivation


A number of philosophies and theories have presented the basis for the expansion of alternative structures of corporate governance systems all over the globe. Moreover, because economies have developed throughout time it emerges that corporate executive have diverged from the solitary aim of increasing wealth of shareholders. Proprietors of the capital have reacted to these forces for the reason of protecting their prosperity and gaining a level-headed profit on their invested assets. While, inside corporate control, outside economic market forces, and responses of institutional investors have been effectual in preserving wealth of shareholders, lawful fortification requires to be granted for them.



Discussion: Training Programme1

Outline of the Training Programme1

Objectives (Learning Outcomes) of the Training Programme2

Context of Corporate Governance as it Relates to the Organisation2

Background of Corporate Governance3

The Mainstream Approach5

The Principles of Best Practice6

Influences on the Effective Performance of Corporate Governance8

Structure of the Board of Directors and their Responsibilities9

Different Stakeholder Groups that will relate to the Organisation10

Importance of Group Cohesiveness and Group Dynamics in the Context of Leadership and Motivation by the Board10



Governance Leadership and Motivation


This paper intends to design a training programme for the newly appointed Board members on their role as directors and the basic theory of corporate governance and basic team working of this board.

As an official body, a corporation agrees to manufacture goods and offer services. Moreover, a corporate can have a loan from different lenders and enhance cash through issuance of shares of its possession. Shareholders would not merely gain profit from the incomes engendered through the firm, however through selecting members of the board of directors they can circuitously manage and supervise actions and conducts embarked upon by the executives and supervisors. These executive act as managers are the agents of the shareholders and are anticipated to execute for the superior interest of the proprietors of the firm (Fernando, 2009, pp. 27).

Discussion: Training Programme

Outline of the Training Programme

This is a 3-day training programme. Each day, it will start at 0800 hrs and end at 1600 hrs. On the first day, registration of all the attendants will be done during the initial half hour. The next half an hour will be spend in communicating welcome mote, objectives and outline of the programme, and introduction of the participants. The training programme will officially and properly begin from 0900 hrs. The first lecture will set out the context of corporate governance as it relates to the organization. The first lecture will last for three hours. One hour break will be given from 1200hrs to 1300 hrs. The second lecture will set out the background of corporate governance and explain the principles of best practice. Likewise, the second and third of the training programme will also cover two lectures / themes per day. The trainer will examine the influences on the effective performance of corporate governance on the 02nd day. He or she will also explain the structure of the Board of Directors and their responsibilities in the fourth lecture, on the similar ...
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