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Professional and Personal Development

Professional and Personal Development


Self managed learning (SML) is a method individual or people seek diverse methods in learning various subjects or things. In this context, learning can be in the community where individual or people are dwelling or at their workplace, which is an expanded and diverse atmosphere. SLM can also be referred as devising and developing aims and objectives for the motive of learning through assessing the rationale of learning and methods to accomplish such aims and objectives. Individuals learn innovative things, for instance the tradition and culture of various other individuals living in their community, personality, behaviour, perspectives etc (Chirino,, 2010, pp. 5).


Approaches to Self-Managed Learning

Pupils can learn by the research they are or will be conducting that can be either granted through the college or university or even at workplace. Individuals can acquire diverse methods and processes utilised in conducting the research and as well as the information concerning issues related to the UK business industry. Individuals can acquire knowledge about what is currently happening in the business environment.

Conferences and Seminars

Individuals can learn through seminars and conferences. They can acquire useful experience through attending various seminars with business professionals and experts and make modifications for their future life. Conferences and seminars provide individuals the chance to represent their knowledge concerning some important theme to other individuals present in the seminar. Conferences and seminars assist individuals acquiring confidence in public communication and developing presentation expertise that are required in professional settings.

Social Networks

There are a number of various social networking website, for example Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc where pupils and professionals spend approximately over two hours in a day learning new things, chatting with friends and associates, and acquiring information about new brands, current news, general knowledge, job positions, entertainment shows, and various deals and discount offers. People can also learn through billboards, bulletin boards, news groups, and internet. They can learn how owners of social network website, like “Mark Zuckerberg” has emerged out triumphant.


People can learn through different articles, blogs, scholarly journals, and e-books published and written by various authors and e-libraries. These internet sources are extremely useful and essential for learning and studying subjects like management, marketing, business plans, strategic analysis, risk management, financial management etc. Some common e-libraries used include Pro-quest, SAGE publications, and

Although self managed learning, a person like me has experienced some personal incidents that depicted the methods in which lifelong learning in professional and personal frameworks can be foster.

Benefits of Self-Managed Learning to the Individual and Organization

Self managed learning individuals an opportunity to plan, develop, and implement their own initiatives in organising their learning. There are optimistic influences and benefits of self managed learning to the pupils and organisations, as well. Students or graduates who are currently enrolled in college and will be completing college education very soon like myself acquire knowledge from a number of various resources; learn and apply that information in professional work environment.

Team Work Skills

A majority of the pupils learn working in teams ...
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