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The Happy Gardening Company

The Happy Gardening Company


In the year 2002, Jim Dunn introduced 'The Happy Gardening Service', bringing up a new concept of gardening services as a professional business in the service industry for the residence of Reading, a large town located just outside London. Although, the gardening services were not new to the industry or to the market at that time even but the concept that Jim brought was innovatory due to the reason that Jim introduced many services such as planting, weeding and cutting the grass along with the catering in a professional manner. In short span of time 'The Happy Gardening Company' got healthy responses from the locals, as the company developed its own market and achieved rapid growth. The gardening company settled itself in the Reading market and enabled the service provider to enlarge its domain by the increasing the size of the work force within a short span of time. In this regard, Jim employed five new employees, increasing the work force in order to outreach the demand. In a span of five years altogether, the company was dependent upon ten employees, as Jim hired 5 more employees to the team.

In this regard, due to the turn down in the business of 'The Happy Gardening Company', Jim Dunn had completely lost track of the business due to lack in the orientation and focus of the business that was necessary for the company's structure in order to bind the overall happenings and the loss in terms of clients. The company did not have any particular direction to follow in such crisis situation. Furthermore, the company lacked in directing a focus and did not have any supporting members that could help at the backhand with such situation. At this point of time 'The Happy Gardening Company' requires a new strategy and requires a marketing plan on an urgent basis that could bring back the company with business and revenues in order to generate potential growth in the gardening business.


The marketing plan is used to describe how you will have access to your potential buyers. Here you elaborate on your market, also from you in this market. Another important thing that you must include in this document are good sources of data because it is not able to obtain data from a publication prepared as getting access to a dataset someone who has written a review in a magazine. The most revolutionary and profitable thing we've ever had in the business world - is the idea that the scientific method, commonly referred to as efficiency, can be used in trade and industry. It was a new idea, and it turned out that we are very slow to realize its full value. The scientific method was born after Darwin done by other great preparatory work. This method means that the beliefs, habits and traditions should be questioned and need to carefully examine the facts.

The Happy gardening company was managing its demand along with the help of its workforce ...
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