Marketing Management

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Marketing Management

Marketing Management

TASK 1 - Personal Objectives

Although my inclination towards human resource management was not that strong when I was in my early years of education, my interest in the field grew significantly as a result of experiences in my life later on. It all changed for me last year when I volunteered to work in a hospital named ASDA. As i slowly became acquainted with the work environment, I realized that there was a lot of scope for improvement, particularly in the way the resources of the hospital were being handled. A significant portion of the human resource was literally being squandered since they were assigned duties that either did not match their expertise or which offered them no inceptive of growth. As a result, demotivation was common among the work staff and this affected the quality of service of the hospital. I initiated a program whereby some members of the senior staff were assigned leadership roles so as to motivate them to work efficiently. This was when I realized how a human resource manager could play an important role in properly managing the human resource of an organization and encouraging them to work efficiently. Having realized the potential to manage human resource with efficiency, I opted for this course in order to foster and hone these skills.

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TASK 2 - Learning Styles

?1I have strong beliefs about what is right and wrong, good and bad.

X2 I often take risks and act recklessly.

?3 I tend to solve problems using a step-by-step approach - I avoid introducing wild ideas the way that some people do.

?4 I believe that formal procedures and policies cramp people's style.

?5I have a reputation for having a no-nonsense style, I like to 'tell things the way they are'.

X6I often find that actions based on intuition are as sound as those based on careful thought and analysis.

?7I like to do the sort of work where I have time to go through every detail and procedure, leaving nothing undone.

?8I regularly question people about their basic assumptions.

?9What matters most is whether something works in practice.

?10 I actively seek out new experiences.

X11 When I hear about a new idea or approach I immediately start working out how to apply

 ?12I am keen on self-discipline, such as watching my diet, taking regular exercise, sticking to a fixed routine etc.

?13 I take pride in doing a thorough job.

X14 I get on best with logical, analytical people and less well with spontaneous, irrational people.

?15I take care over the interpretation of data available to me and avoid jumping to conclusions.

X16I like to reach a decision carefully after weighing up many alternatives.

X17I'm attracted more to novel, unusual ideas than to practical ones.

?18I don't like 'loose ends' and prefer to fit things into a coherent pattern.

?19I accept and stick to laid-down procedures and policies so long as I regard them as an efficient way of getting the job done.

?20I like to relate my actions to a general principal.

?21In discussions I like to get straight to the ...
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