Marketing Management

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Discussion Analysis2

Benefits and Costs of Market Orientation of Tesco2

Benefits of Marketing Orientation2

Cost of Marketing Orientation3

Analysis of Tesco3

SWOT analysis of TESCO3





Target Strategy5

Marketing plan of new target strategy5

Marketing strategy of Branding, launching and Production6

Recommendations for Tesco7

Assignment 28

Question 028

Question 038


Assignment 1


In modern times, marketing has gained a dominant role with the arrival of huge globalization and production. Today, manager requires having complete understanding and knowledge about marketing for performing tasks in an effective way. It establishes a potential connection between a company and its consumers. Tesco is the largest grocery retailer of United Kingdom. It has built its business strategy for getting success in their entire work. Tesco are the market leaders of U.K and also outside the U.K market. It has established four various store formats, such as Metro, Express, Extra and Superstore. Being an international retailer organization, they usually focus on the needs and demands of local customer. Marketing is basically an activity for satisfying the wants and needs of customers by the help of various exchange processes. It includes activities like marketing research, product development, pricing, promotion, communication and selling procedures. Marketing plays a primary function in developing the demand and price of the products. It sees business from the greater point of view to get the ultimate results from selling. It can be said that marketing is a concept that consider the whole business process in a great integrated effort for creating, discovering, satisfying and arousing consumer needs. There are four key elements of marketing in a business, to which professor Jerome Mc Carthy described as the four P's of marketing mix. These marketing elements are product, place, price and promotion. These are main pillars that hold the concept of marketing. It is significant to analyze that success in international business is a risky job for many highly experienced multinational companies, as meeting the international standard is difficult than working local. Many kinds of problems can occur, such as culture issue, trade limitations, political differences, resources allocation and strategic management of issues. Most of the time, less experience and limited resources also save businesses from huge loss. This report is intended to present the marketing plan and analysis of Tesco group, which will strengthen their growth at international level.

Discussion Analysis

Benefits and Costs of Market Orientation of Tesco

Tesco is a customer oriented group of retailer which made its market orientation on five key elements such as focus on Long term profit, customer orientation, competitor orientation, Inter-functional coordination and organizational culture.

Benefits of Marketing Orientation

Increase in market share and sales

Gain of high customer loyalty, satisfaction and retention

Increase in profitability

High competitive benefits

Enhanced corporate picture

Cost of Marketing Orientation

Employees training and development requirement

Heightened customer expectations

Technological need for customer reach

High demand of resources for providing best customer market

Compound needs of customer

Analysis of Tesco

The Macro-Environment comprises on the factors that might control the organization externally. It is basically the control over the global corporations. For instance, these influences might disturb the interest rates, involvement of competitors, cultural change of taste and trend and ...
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