Marketing Management

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[Name of the Institute]Marketing Management


The following paper discusses about the shopping tourism in Cardiff. There are three parts of following paper, in the first part the aims and the objectives of the shopping tourism in Cardiff along with brief introduction of Cardiff is discussed, in which the justification of shopping tourism in Cardiff is discuses. It also discusses about the map, location, the history and the basic information of Cardiff is discusses in detail. The Second part of the paper that is of literature review discusses about the literature review which covers demand and the supply characteristics of Cardiff shopping tourism. The third part of the report is Methodology which covers the process and the ways of the data collection. In the fourth part of the paper the findings and the discussion is discussed in detail which covers the two objectives, objective 1 is for demand while the other objective is supply. Finally in the end the paper, bullet points of the whole assignment is discussed.

1.3Aims and Objectives

The aims and the objectives of the paper are given as follows.

The report is based on the shopping tourism of Cardiff. The aim of the field work was to understand the aims shopping tourism in Cardiff along with two main objectives, the first objective is about the motivation of shopping is Cardiff, while the second objective is based on the supply of the shopping tourism in the city of Cardiff (Scannell , 1991).

1.3Case Study

Cardiff is the capital of Wales and the country town of the historical country of Glamorgan. The place of Cardiff is known for its own standard and the peoples living in its charming borders that lies in the centre of the city. There are also numerous locales that offers delight and the pleasure for the atmosphere like village. The parks of Cardiff or the garden of Cardiff stretch out or it extends towards the yards with in the centre of the city along with the shopping area, though another park which is called as the Bute Park is established that is located away from the castle of Cardiff along with that the famous park of the world namely Roath and the Lack is being recurrented by the vaccationer, the residential areas and inspite of the fact that also in the centre or the centre of the city (Arthur, 2007).

For the past hundreds of years, the place of Cardiff has been remained a Welsh harbor civic. During the eighteenth and the ninteenth century eighteenth and early nineteenth century Wales turned into the foremost or the first developed nation in world of iron masters along with the ownersof coal mines of the valley of the South Wales that wanted to get an outlet ocean in order to increase their profit in the businesses. In order to maximize their profit Cardiff was picked as the leader for the River namely Taff, and in the time being the Glamorganshire has also been built by a family in order to get the work joined ...
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