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Evaluate a Training Event

Section 3 - Evaluate a Training Event

The section starts with a preface to evaluation methods that will be used further to evaluate success of a training event. The process of training evaluation will provide constructive orientation models. Donovan & Townsend (2004, pp. 6) define training evaluation as the process of seeking out whether all the time, effort, and money invest into formulating and delivering training seminars or other learning courses was valuable.


An important factor of any kind of evaluation is its influences on the individual being assessed. Feedback is necessary for person to recognize how they moving ahead and evaluation is critical to the person's self-assurance, as well. Since individuals' determination to learning depend upon belief and confidence that the learning or training is attainable, the method that examines and evaluations are designed and organized, and outcomes illustrated back to the trainees as affirmed by Stone, (2012, pp. 28) is a very imperative component of the training and development procedure. In this context, there arise a couple of significant questions in a trainer's mind that include How an individual would recognize whether any specific training prepared and controlled by him or her was effective? How an individual would recognize whether the resources and capital invested on training is being utilized shrewdly? The answer to these questions is evaluation of a training event. For this purpose, the job of training managers is challenged with honed anticipations and the requisite is to flourish the budget for training beside other precedence (Bramley, 2003, pp. 1).

Development of an Evaluation Template Using Suitable Techniques

A comprehensive template for training evaluation is illustrated in appendix in tabular format. The table includes what, why, when, and who' of evaluation.

Evaluation of a Training Event

The training event that I attended was a unique two-day, multi-stream event for HR professionals conducted in a multinational firm by a renowned expert and consultant hired particularly for the training program. The theme of the entire training program was importance of Human Resource Development (HRD) in an organization. The overall training event was designed for HR officers working in strategic HR and change management specifically in a school environment. It included some practical activities, such as case study presentations, as well. The first day was based on theoretical sessions of complete six hours. The second day was based on practical activity, which mainly included case study presentations, round table interactive sessions, panel discussions, and thought leader keynotes. Donovan & Townsend (2004, pp. 7) stated that involvement of practical activities increases the value and quality on content delivered during the training. It included recruitment selection process, implementation of HR strategies on different multiple departments in an organization, compilation of various reports and documents that are essential for HR work, and an activity related to effective communication with employees working in a professional environment.

A number of different approaches are listed in the subsequent segment for evaluating a training event, however the specific approach selected for training evaluation is “The ...
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