Marketing Management

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Marketing Management


Quality and Services1



Quality Control2

Quality Management3

Quality Assurance3

Characteristics of services4





Customer service experience and expectation5

Quality standard in services6

Understanding customer needs and satisfaction6

Understanding customer needs and behaviour7

Choosing and Implementation of a Customer Focus Strategy8

Engaging Customers8

Dealing with high value customers9


SERVQUAL Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction10

Customer Segmentation11

Cluster analysis12

Tree building approach12

Provide Service In Line With the Different Segmentation12


Make a commitment13

Track mistakes13

Invest in training13

Implementing Quality standards14


Marketing Management


Service industries are facing immense competition these days. New entrants in service industries are coming with innovative services for the users and it has become very difficult for the marketers and consumers to distinguish the similar services considering their unique attributes. The aim of this report is to describe the quality and service which marketers have to deliver in order to capture costumer equity. Preferred characteristics of services by the costumers, their experience and expectation about the services and costumer satisfaction are also being analyzed in this report. Furthermore, this report will determine the way to engage costumers, segmentation of costumers, dealing with high value costumers and providing costumer needs through segmentation for the marketers of service industries. All these factors will help service industries to identify the services which consumers usually expect from service industries. Also, it will help service industries to understand the nature of their consumers which has been shifting from time to time (Mylonakis, Malliaris, Siomkos, 2011, p. 109). Tesco has been used as an example in this report to understand the nature and quality of services which are required by costumers. This report will analyze all the factors which service industries are required to fulfil in order to develop high quality serice for their consumers and it would highlight the difficulties which are being faced by service industries in maintaining competitive advantage.

Quality and Services

Quality in services is defined as the condition of being fit for the purpose for which it is being provided by the manufacturer. Nowadays, quality is of great importance in services. Quality refers to the subjective attributes of any product or service which can satisfy the needs and wants of costumers. Service industries are focusing on maintaining superior quality for attracting and retaining costumers. The intense competition in the service industry has made the marketers cautious while designing services for the target costumers. Costumers require those services which are sustainable, reliable and maintainable (Pyon, Woo, Park, 2011, p. 3267). With the increasing competition in the service industry, organizations are resorting to new means of quality management such as, asset optimization and six sigma techniques to ensure the superior quality of the service which are being provided by them. Following are the five aspects of quality which are followed by service industries in order to deliver superior quality services to their consumers:


This requires marketers to identify the services which costumers look for. This contains all the attributes in the particular service which are expected by consumers.


In this step marketers ensure that the service attributes are being provided in their services which are being asked by ...
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