Marketing Management

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Marketing Management in the Purity Cosmetics

Marketing Management in the Purity Cosmetics


The marketing concepts and the marketing strategies of a company lead the company towards the path of success in terms of higher economic growth andacompetitive position among the leading companies in the marketplace. The Purity Cosmetics is lagging behind in the economic area in terms of slower progress and is therefore, unable to compete with the leading companies of the respective field. The company needs to improve the marketing strategies by providing the staff members with the awareness programs related to the marketing concepts and enabling them to lead their company with distinct economic growth and progress among the competitors.


The Purity Cosmetics tends to initiate the awareness campaign among its staff members to overcome the issues of slow growth and compete with the stiff nature of the market. The members of the staff are required to be aware of the core concepts of marketing, regarding the sales and marketing approach associated with the development of the Purity Cosmetics in the market.


Core Concepts of Marketing

Marketing is primarily the transportation of the goods and products from the producers to the consumers. Meanwhile, it carries the process of discovering the customers' needs and then translating into the products and services as required. The main theme is to satisfy the customers by fulfilling their demands. Here, in this criterion the Purity Cosmetics is lagging behind. It should carry the functions of facilitation all along the way, including the planning and development of product, marketing research, together with standardized packaging and branding, and managing the sales, promotion and financing in favour of both the company and the customer (pg. 2).

The Purity Cosmetics should follow the implementation of marketing concepts within the company among the members at all levels in order to achieve the organizational goals. These goals are mainly the achievement of target market, and the desired satisfaction of the customers, working efficiently than the competitors (pp. 3-5).

The components of the marketing concepts revolve around the customers' satisfaction in terms of selling satisfaction rather than emphasizing the selling of the product. The Purity Cosmetics need to follow the concepts to be the first and foremost towards the acquiring of comparatively faster growth than the competitors (pp. 3-5).

Satisfaction of the Customer

It comes to be the most concerned area for the company's growth. The Purity Cosmetics should produce the products and services leading towards the satisfaction of the customers at any cost (pp. 3-5). The company should consider that every customer has needs based on the quality of the product's quality in terms of the features and benefits. The customer requires the marker features to be in favour of his desire, without any compromise for the benefits entitled to the services and products. The Purity Cosmetics needs to work over the brand quality totally in agreement with the customers' desires and demands. This will ensure the reliance and confidence of customers in the company's favour; thus, resulting a notable rise in the economic growth ...
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