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CEO & Social Media

Executive summary

The study comprises of facts and figures related to the lack of awareness and importance of social media in CEO's of different organizations. The Organizations seem to hand over the social interaction business to their IT departments, where it should be appropriately understood that social media is a separate entity and not a part of IT, it means being socially involved individually. It is imperative that CEO's should take essential steps to keep their company happenings and tweets updated on social media websites because customers and consumers tend to follow the leader's of the company very often because of their brand loyalty built towards their company and products.

It is imperative also because it help's understand the changing environment and trends in people's lives. CEO's are giving this function to existing administrative or marketing departments with no additional personnel. They're asked to take on the research, the development and the entire process of social media and inbound marketing on top of their existing jobs. Social Media and Inbound Marketing requires a mindset shift on the part of owners, CEO's and anyone who grew up with traditional marketing. If you're hiring people to take care of your social media and inbound marketing and you don't understand the position, the best thing you can do is get out of their way and let them do their job because they do understand how it works.

The articles discussed contains on the study will enlighten us with the crises and issues faced by different companies and organization regarding lack of interaction of CEO's on social media websites.

CEO & Social Media

CEOs don't understand social media

The Australian 


May 06, 2013 

Social media is not a fad. The main reason of having to be social is because this is the environment where their customers live. Even if you are not taking advantage of it to do business and interact with your customers, you have to spend enough time online to at least understand the change in the world. This lack of engagement would be similar to 50% of the world use email with Fortune 500 off, or 50% of purchases come from electronic media, but the CEO never used this means of acquisition. "

There is no denying that sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are now part of the fabric of everyday life for most people. And CEOs have a responsibility to their shareholders to be visible. CEOs who avoid social media run the risk of losing contact with some of their most profitable customers as well as prospects and influencers. I agree that CEOs need to understand social media, and that understanding only come through some level of immersion and use.

But I do not believe in that every CEO needs to be a "tweeter" or be a visible and active presence in social media. For me, it's like watching commercials starring the CEO of the company: are some rare birds that do it right.

Who are incredible CEOs "tweeters" of big business I'm missing? I ...
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