Marketing Management

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Marketing Management

[Institution Name]Marketing Management


The paper discusses the case of Ritz-Carlton as the employer who encourages employees to be self esteemed and highly dedicated to their work and further provide excellent customer services. Moreover, marketing communication strategies will also be covered in the following content.

Quality customer service is one of the most important factor in the success of every enterprise services, whether it is a retail shop, bank, restaurant, fast food, retail network, hotel and other high level of service increases the number of loyal customers, creates a favourable image of the company that in turn, leads to an increase in its financial performance. Assessing the quality of service is much more complicated than the quality of goods (Morgan & Hunt, 1994). After all, the customer perceives not only the result of service but becomes an accomplice of care.

Task 1

Role of 'People' In Ritz-Carlton's Success

Ritz-Carlton - hotel chain, consisting of 28 luxury hotels, renowned for their excellent service and its clients is the top 5% wealthiest people making business and leisure travel. The credo of the company expressed rather high-sounding phrases like "Hotel Ritz-Carlton - a place where the guests show genuine concern, and they can enjoy the comfort. We promise to provide the best individual servicing and convenience for our guests who will always enjoy a hearty reception and relax in an elegant setting. Stay in the Ritz-Carlton refreshing feeling increases energy and helps to make the most cherished desires and needs of our guests. "

It is not just words; Ritz-Carlton keeps its promises. A survey showed that 95% admitted that they have enjoyed a truly unforgettable experience. In fact, in the exclusive Ritz-Carlton service business has become a commonplace. The hotel chain achieved this repeated success by continuing to try hard at catering for the needs of the most demanding customers of all - the rich. The company's management supports the Ritz-Carlton employees that have their own sense of dignity. "You serve, but you are not servants" is the philosophy of the company that has led them to excel in the hospitality industry.

'The role of people has always been important for companies, but our economic environment now means that it is something no company can afford to ignore' (Mortimer, 2011, par 2). The concept is simple; make your employees love your company and your mission to the point they will have no trouble convincing your customers. In fact, the purpose is to make your employees with a capital “E” whose passion for their work will push the boundaries of customer services (Berry, 1981). This element implies that it is necessary and properly allocates staff within the company's organizational structure including consideration of the location and convenience divisions.

Internal marketing is one of the service marketing theories that aim to contact personnel of the firm and intends for creation of motivational and organizational conditions, which would actively contribute to the creation of the functional quality of service (Brown and Peterson, 1993). Internal marketing strategy aims to link the company with ...
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