Marketing Feasibility Report

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Marketing feasibility report

Marketing feasibility report


Before moving to new markets, or regions, businesses develop feasibility report regarding the success of the business in that area. Business feasibility report is referred to the study that depends on evaluating and analyzing the likeliness of the project that is proposed. This report is based on wide research which helps in deciding for the appropriate option. The focus of feasibility report is focused on objectivity and logically unveils the weaknesses and strengths of the existed business and the proposed options, threats and opportunities that are present in the environment, resources that need to be carried through and most importantly the viewpoint for success of that option (Chernev & Kotler, 2009, p.45). Therefore, it can be said that business feasibility report evaluates the proposal in term of technological, operational, marketing and economic related conditions that are associated with the proposal. It also identifies various strategies or plans that are required for the success of the business proposal. It also involves various approaches in the proposal that is associated with cutting cost for existing business, development or venture in new products, proposal for improving process systems and proposal for the business for entering in a new market, region or location (Butterfield, 2012, p.223). In addition to this the feasibility report also evaluates the supporting data and explanation of each plan and also provides recommendation for the plan that need to be selected.

This business feasibility report consists of the proposal for the Wiggo retail chain to expand its operations in Asian market in developing states such as China and India.


Wiggo belongs to the retail business and have supermarket chain that is present in most of the Europe. Wiggo is mainly operating in United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, and France. However, it is present in most regions of Europe. The business mainly consists of food retailing chain. It is operating successful in the European market due to its good selling strategy and promotion of the business. It offers competitive prices to its customers and often offers discount packages.

Current the feasibility report is focused on expanding the business into more geographical locations where the potential growth for business is comparatively attractive. Main areas that are considered for the expansion of the business include Asian region and especially the developed nations such as China or India. As India and China are growing super nations and the growth prospect there is high. Therefore, the aim for expanding operations of Wiggo is to enter into Chinese or Indian retail market. It is also found that India and China are the nations that are among the highly populated area. This means that business is entering into a huge market. There is a huge potential for retail business in India and China. The number of retail supermarkets in China in 2007 according to Euromonitor was around 4,496,300 stores. However, in India this reaches 13,448,500 stores. There is a need for more stores and there is low competition among ...
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