Marketing Ethics

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Marketing Ethics

Marketing Ethics


Nowadays in every business organization around the word, we hear about the importance of ethical behavior. It is a decision of choosing the right among wrong and right. Business ethics are that functions which leads to choosing right decision at the right time which leads for the welfare of not only business owners but also society, consumers, stakeholders and its employees. Business ethics now days have become so important that no business can survive in the market without following them (Ishmael, 2005).

The main issues that in lists the issue in business ethics while marketing the product to the consumer are as follows:

Marketing the products without telling the side effects of the product, like diet supplements.

Marketing the alcoholic products with defining the consuming age, like cigarette.

Selling the product at the higher price because it is been out of stock, and is in great demand.

Marketing toys that are dangerous to be used by the children.


In conclusion we can say that ethics as a whole cover a lot of fields in every part of our life. More importantly, it covers a huge space in the area of business, which makes sure that this area is ruled by accepted action that will not cause any harm to the surroundings. Ethical conduct creates a positive environment for the people within it and plays an important role in creating a perfect path for organizational goal achievement, so it should we very valuable for every business in our human society. Moreover ethics can prevent also harmful acts as sexual harassment which can be damaging not only for the company or the person but also for the whole society, that's why ethics should be seen as the law within an organization.

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