Marketing Environment

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Marketing Environment Analysis


Micro Environment Description1





Macro Environment Description3







Additional Application of Core Marketing Concepts5

Customer Satisfaction5

Portfolio Analysis6

Market Segmentation6

Market Targeting6

Market Positioning7

Brand Equity7

Global Promotional Strategies7


Marketing Environment Analysis


Jaguar is one of the strongest brand names in the world. The reason its brand is so strong is because it delivers what it promises. Jaguar stands for quality and targets the elite class due to which each vehicle needs to meet certain set specifications and quality. Due to the price being charged for each car, even the slightest defect can place the brand in a bad position and tarnish its image.

Micro Environment Description

Jaguar markets its products to a niche market. It has established itself as a luxury brand and focuses solely on the elite class. Being a luxury brand, it needs to establish very distinct characteristics that set it apart from the rest. Since the very beginning, the brand has been delivering the same qualities due to which it has built some strong associations with customers (Yazdani, 2006).


Jaguar is based in the UK but it markets its products all over the world. It has developed a niche market in which it caters solely to the elite class that require a car that can display their status. The EU and US make up the main market for the company and it is now penetrating into the Middle-East, India, and China. According to the marketing department of the company, developing nations can help increase its revenue as these markets are growing and the demand for luxury vehicles is increasing steadily (Saunders, 2011).


When a customer purchases a Jaguar or Range Rover, he can assure himself that he is purchasing something that would display his class and status. The comfort and style of the car distinguishes it from other vehicles in the market. The class of the vehicles can be judged from the fact that the royal family in one of its major customers (Council, 2011).

Jaguar does not offer a variety of cars and all the models that it offers are targeted to the same segment. Thus, its advertising and promotional campaigns are similar and hence help to increase the brand awareness and recognition.


Jaguar faces a tough competition from car manufacturers such as BMW, Mercedes, and other high class car manufacturers. However, one thing that distinguishes a Mercedez from a Jaguar is that Mercedez caters to a variety of customers. However, Jaguar only caters to the elite class. Therefore, a person with a mercedez would not be considered to be of the same status as that of a Jaguar owner (Mortimer, 2001).

There are several aspects in which Jaguar lags behind its competitors but it is the competitive advantage of the company that sets it apart from the rest. Some people do not like the concept of offering a limited number of cars and demand a greater variety. However, this would lead to problems in the marketing of the brand due to which it could lose its distinct competitive advantage. Hence, Jaguar only sets to fulfil the demands of customers in ...
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