Marketing Environment

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Marketing Environment: Apple

Marketing Environment: Apple


In today's highly competitive and dynamic global environment, organizations need to develop effective marketing strategies to achieve organizational success. Apple is one if successful organizations which has focused upon effective marketing strategy by focusing upon its macro and micro environmental forces. These forces determine how the organization moves and operates in the global environment. It is highly challenging to sustain growth and long term competitive advantage in this global environment. It requires regular analysis of macro and micro environment to identify the forces. These forces can be dealt through effective marketing strategies where the focus is upon innovation and superior quality. Apple has built its brand image through customer satisfaction and global reach through innovation (Lovelock, 2001).

Macro Environmental analysis

The macro environmental analysis is about the organization's external environment where political, economic, social and technological forces have an impact upon the business is highly importanty for organizations to conduct macro environmental analysis in order to understand the macro environment (Kevin & Kotler, 2008).

PEST Analysis

This analysis will help in identifying the factors that affect the organization's ability to perform efficiently in the global markets. Political Forces

The political forces are those which affect the organization's ability to operate in a host country. These political forces need to be analyzed so that business operations are not affected. For the decision to expand in the Asian markets, Apple needs to identify the level of political instability in the host country and the power structure. If there is increasing rate of instability in the political structure, then these forces could have an adverse impact on organization's operations. Economical Forces

The economic forces are ones where the costs of the organization need to be handled successfully. These economic forces such as recession and increasing prices of oil and raw materials in the global markets affect the cost efficiency of the organization. The ongoing effects of 2007 financial credit crunch have affected Apple's profits because of the rising costs in the international markets (Cavusgil, 2007).

Socio-Cultural Forces

Today, we live in a multi-cultural world due to the increasing rate of globalization. Organizations have to be highly concerned regarding the different socio-cultural forces. People belonging to different experiences, religion, culture and experience work together in organizations. For Apple, socio-cultural forces need to be identified to keep a motivated human resource with cross-cultural training and development. A learning organizational culture needs to be developed where mutual long term relationships develop between employees as well as customers based on socio-cultural factors (Cavusgil, 2007).

Technological Forces

Technological advancement and R & D are the two major areas of concern for the organization. For achieving competitive advantage, Apple needs to be highly focused in its technological forces. The changing dynamic environment requires continuous improvement and new inventions in the field of technology. Apple has significant pressure from the technological forces in its macro environment. It needs to focus upon diversity and innovation to achieve long term competitive advantage.

Micro Environmental Anaylsis

The micro environmental anaylsis relates to the ...
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