Marketing Coursework

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Marketing coursework


The study is based on a comparative analysis of two world's leading fast food restaurants i.e. Kentucky Fried Chicken” and “McDonald's”. The aim of study is to introduce the new brand in the market, introducing a new brand it is better to study different tools and techniques adopted by two major competitors. In this report market segmentation, target marketing, brand positioning is discussed in detail. This report also covers existing advertisement, unique selling point of brands, different aspects of consumer behavior influencing media consumption of target market and other external factors effecting advertisement and business of fast food restaurant.

Marketing coursework


The name of new brand is modern fast food restaurant (MFFC). The plan is to operate seven hundred branches in different branches of North America and Europe. The brand will mainly target children and young urban class peoples. MFFC is offering different varieties of burgers like, vegetable burger, chicken burger, vegetable chicken burgers and many other fast food products. There is also healthy menu which will specially target health conscious customers. To operate the new fast food restaurant in the market there are two major competitors i.e. McDonalds and KFC.McDonaldsOverview

McDonalds is one of the leading fast food restaurants in the world. Top menu products of McDonalds include cheese burgers, Mc Nuggets, hamburgers and French fries. There are about 32000 restaurants of McDonalds which are serving in 117 countries of the world. More than 75% restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent owners.



There are varieties of products that are offered by McDonalds in order to satisfy the needs of customers. Products includes Beef, fish, chicken, breakfast, happy meal, drinks and shakes, salads, ice fruit smoothes, and many other products. In different places of Europe McDonalds is offering beer. McDonalds has made it hard for people to not dine-in or eat out at one of their location. The core products of McDonalds are all fast food that it is selling brand and dining experience while augmented products includes value added things such as fast customer service, dining experience and the “I'm loving it brand.


Pricing strategy of McDonalds was the main objective of McDonalds in order to make affordable to people to go out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. McDonalds has been continuously improving the quality of fast food restaurant and kept the price low to attract middle class peoples.


Place is not only a physical location or the point where distribution takes place. It includes series of procedures that are involved in carrying the products to the end users. McDonald's restaurants are uniformly extended in all the cities making customers to reach easily. The options of Drive in and drive through make products of McDonalds suitable for the customers.


McDonalds advertises through television, billboards, radio, internet and many other mediums. McDonalds have also used different slogans to leave an impression in the minds of people such as “It's a good time for the Great,” “We love to see you smile,” and “I'm Loving ...
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