Marketing Concept

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Marketing Concept

Marketing Concept


Gone are the days when the main objective of the organizations was to increase their revenue and profit on the basis increased sales of their products or services. Today every organization is trying to work upon its marketing strategies and satisfy customer needs and wants. Marketing is an important the most basic function every business organization. Either it is selling watching machine or doctor treating a patient, every business enterprise is involved in the process of marketing.


Selling Concept

The selling concept pertains to adopting mass selling of products and services without taking the customer's needs and wants in consideration. In an acute process of selling concept, the organizations do not take into accounts the customer's needs and just focus on mass production and mass selling. The essence of the selling concept signifies that consumers would not be interested in buying an organization's products unless the organization pursues a massive selling campaign. Not only selling, the organizations are also prone to pursue a large scale promotion effort to successfully comprehend the selling efforts. The selling concept is typically applied in the context of unsought goods which constitute those goods that the consumers do not think of buying in the normal circumstances. For instance most organizations would look to adopt selling concept in the context of insurance policies as these are not desired regularly by customers in normal circumstances. There must be fluent tracking and assessment mechanisms in place for an acute system of selling to take place. With a successful tracking system in place for tracking the customer, the organization would look to track down the potential interested buyer sell them the required benefits. Many organizations that practice this concept successfully have been guilty of overcapacity in their operations. They have the aim of selling whatever they produce. This approach is characterized by a high degree of risk as well as very low levels of customer satisfaction (Chopra, 2013).

Marketing Concept

Marketing concept can be defined as the key for achievement of organizational goals and objectives by determination of customer needs and wants of the selected market segment or target market and provide them with maximum level of satisfaction in comparison to the competitors. Customer satisfaction can be achieved by coordination other important marketing functions such as product planning, buying and assembling, selling, standardization, packaging, storing, transportation, promotion and pricing. Therefore it is very important for the marketers to invest all their energies and efforts in effective marketing strategy by selecting the right market segment, develop rapport and relationship with them, identify their needs and wants and provide with goods and services accordingly. Following are some of the important elements of marketing concept:

Customer satisfaction and focus is the main concern and objective of every successful modern organization. Therefore it should be the ultimate aim of every organization to comp up and introduce products and services that have been designed to meet the requirement of the customer with relevant features,

Important functions of marketing such as production process, finances, ...
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