Marketing Communication

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Marketing Communication

[Word Count: 3066]


Olympic Games 20122

Critical Evaluation of the Marketing Communication Plans3



Cross-functional Communication at LOCOG7



Critical Analysis of the Media Used for Promotion10

Olympic Sponsors Promoting the Event11

Social Media Promotion11

Television/pictorial Ads12



Marketing Communication

A Critical Evaluation of the Marketing Communication Plans for the Olympic Games 2012. Use theoretical models to assist you with your answer.


After a record breaking Beijing Olympics, the standard was set very high. The success of the games highly depended on public support. The marketing and public opinion are hugely significant for modern Olympics. Generating sufficient public support for the bid is very necessary. It is a public relation work. The marketing plays its part before and after the bid. Bringing in corporate sponsors for financial support of the games and satisfying the audience requires an expert use of techniques and tools of marketing.

Marketing the Olympics was actually marketing London and United Kingdom as a whole. The marketing authorities of the event set it up for marketing the city to businesses, tourists and students etc. The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson set up a panel of 30 experts from various businesses to advise him about branding the event. The panel stressed very much on branding the city.

Olympic Games 2012

The London Olympics began 27th July and ended on 12th August, 2012. The Summer Olympics of 2012 was one of the greatest sporting events in the history of the world. The event was governed by International Olympic Committee (IOC). It was held in London, United Kingdom. More than 10,000 athletes participated from more than 204 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) (BBC Sport, 2012). Britain defeated New York, Madrid, Paris and Moscow. London became the only country to host Olympics three times. It has hosted Olympics in 1908 and 1948 (Barden, 2008).

The London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG) was formed to organize and oversee the Olympic Games after the bid was won. LOCOG conducted its first meeting on 3rd October 2005. The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) was responsible for construction of infrastructure and venues for the games. The Government Olympic Executive was the leading government body to coordinate the London 2012 Olympics.

The 2012 Olympics used a mixture of different venues, existing and new. It used several historic and temporary facilities. Some of the facilities were well-known locations, such as Horse Guards Parade and Hyde Park. The venues were divided into three different zones; the Olympic Zone, Central Zone and the River Zone. Few venues were outside the boundaries of Greater London. These were Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy. The academy was some 200 kilometers Southwest of Central London and hosted the sailing events. The Football tournament was held in various grounds around the United Kingdom.

The London Olympic was a hard fought success. The national and international pressure was immense. The safety and transport concerns affected the general perception of a successful event, but the loopholes were soon filled with determination and hospitality. The International Olympic Committee evaluated the plans and preparations for the ...
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