Marketing & Business Management

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Marketing & Business Management

Introducing Change1

Organizations and Changing Environment1

Change in Organizations: an Important Debate2

Change as a Response2

Theoretical Frameworks for Change3

The Three-Step Change Model3

Kotter's Plan for Change4

Conventional Model of Change Management4

Perspectives of Organizational Change by Grieves5

1.Structural Functional Perspective6

2.Multiple Constituencies Perspective7

3.Organizational Development Perspective7

4.Creativity and Volition: a Critical Theory of Change8

Discussion Debate on Change Management9

Change for Sustainability9

Managing Change10

Change as Inclusive of Aspects11

Change: Not a Linear Process11

Drivers of Change12

Change; Science or an Art12

Nature of Change and the Role of Players13

Players Create a Difference13

Evolutionary Changes13

Revolutionary Changes14

When is Management Scientific14

When is Management an Art?15

Viewpoint on: “Change Management Akin to Science or Art”17

Change Management Akin to Science18

Change Management Akin to Art19



Marketing & Business Management

Introducing Change

Change is a process that is inevitable in every situation and field. World has come through a long way since its inception and beginning; it was not how we find it contemporarily. From the landscape and geography, to the number and nature of population increase, our universe has gone through various changes and transitions in the course of developing and growing.

Change in living beings is of course natural and innate. We observe various diverse natural phenomena going on around us which go through changes and adopt different settings and surroundings. However, change in non living beings is one of the innovative and thought provoking concepts. Anything which takes place in this world or runs about in this universe cannot avoid or continue without adopting change or planning to adopt change.

From the economic conditions and downturns to the social values and ideals, thinking processes also go through major changes and transitions. Therefore, it can safely be ascertained that the change and growth go hand in hand. Human beings have learned the lesson and are adopting and welcoming the changes with a positive gesture, in order to help them grow.

Organizations and Changing Environment

Firms and organizations make up most of the economy and development of the nation or the region. Smooth running and operation of the firms or organizations is crucial to the continuation, survival and growth of the various other organizations related to the trade and business industry.

For the sake of interconnectedness and the increased interdependence of the numerous sectors of trade, economics, social stance and other political situations, organizations need to adopt and implement changes at different steps throughout the course of their existence (Accenture, 2012, pp. 3-4).

Change in Organizations: an Important Debate

With the firms facing hoard of challenges in from the external world and competition from the industries within the sector, methods and procedures for numerous practices have to be altered and modified according to the rising situations and conditions. Currently, organizations have been critically and importantly focusing on the change and its process. Organizational changes can be made on all levels and can be of varied kinds.

Increased focus on the organizations and their changes is the result of the realization of its importance. Great many factors constitute a hoard of advantages for organizations in the wake of a change (Chen et al, ...
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