Marketing And The Health Care System

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Marketing and the Health Care System



The Impact of Marketing for the Health Care Hospital3

Health Care Hospital Strategies for Determination & Utilization of Its Products or Services5

Analysis of the Competitive Environment of a Health Services Organization6

Strategic Marketing6

Awakening Interest and Requirement of Hospital Marketing7

Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services marketing7

Benefits for provider organizations8

Health Services Marketing Ways to Attract Customer Purchase9

Quality Use as a Differentiator9

Promoting E-Health Concept9

Interaction with the Stakeholder10


Marketing and the Health Care System


The health care providers under federal regulations are defined as: the institutions (the nursing homes, hospitals, and primary care centers pharmaceutical companies) and the individuals include the physicians, clinical psychologist, nurses, midwives, and clinical social workers, which have state authorization to practice health services. The healthcare system is considered to provide all possible healthcare services and facilities to patient's coming to hospital i.e. inpatient and outpatient. According to the WHO, the health care system is the one that incorporates all activities prime for restoration, promotion and the maintenance patient's health through the health care caregivers and workers within organization, community and health policy environment (Kotler P., Shalowitz J., & Stevens R. J., 2008).

The marketing strategies for the promotion of the healthcare provider institute i.e. hospital includes the design of an comprehensive and effective marketing plan, which helps in communicating the UCR'S messages, missions and values through different approaches to attract the client.


The Impact of Marketing for the Health Care Hospital

The impact of the marketing on the healthcare hospitals brings sustainable competitive advantage to the hospitals. The executives in the hospital should foster a dedicated interest in selection of people who brings a successful business master piece to an organization (Sovina and Collins, 2003). The marketing has positive impact on the hospital financial, performance, operations and reputation.

Traditional impact of marketing to generate business for our CVD hospital and attracted patient's, result from the importance given in the marketing strategies to the patient, current patients are most valuable for the hospital as a marketing tool, as the public develop opinion after hearing their colleagues views about our hospital. So positive relation with the customer has a major impact on the progress, recommendation and heightening revenue of our hospital. Other marketing tackles used to produce positive impact include the hospital location, the services it offer, and pricing which influence the financial recital of the hospital. They also impact the operational performance of the urban hospitals and marketing non teaching hospitals performance.

Innovative impact developed in the hospital through the good and vital relations of the physicians with the patient's through promotional cost effective services and care, community relations and the less influence of the specialized sales forces on performance.

Access to growth through technology based points, as internet is considered as a standard source for information, the development and promotion of official website is a sign of virtual existence of our hospital, also is one of the major impacts of strategic marketing is the generation of the fee for health incentives and intimidating readmission ...
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