Marketing And Management Strategies

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Marketing and Management Strategies

Self-Learning Project

Self-Learning Project

Student's Name:

Employer's Name: French Connection United Kingdom (FCUK)

Subject Area: Marketing: Women exploited as a Sex symbol in Fashion Advertising.


This manuscript is a self-learning project, formulate for the purpose of an agreement in order to be assessed against the student's overall performance and learning in the end of the session. In this agreement, I will define the study objectives and questions, which I wanted to study during this coursework. However, those study questions are needed to be linked with the place where I work, my individual background, reasoning of my interest in those questions, what I am supposed to find in those questions and the evaluation of my report. All these aspects are required to be the part of this learning agreement.

I am associated with a fashion apparel brand since last one years and working in a sales store of French Connection United Kingdom (FCUK). The brand is amongst the prestigious apparel brand is the world; however, similar to many other fashion brands, its promotion and advertising includes excessive exploitation of women gender as a sex symbol. This is considerably a big dilemma that is needed to be studied and put under consideration, while thinking about marketing in Fashion industry.

Study Questions

Why women are exposed as symbols in fashion advertising?

Despite of their real beauty, women are enhanced though digital manipulation in their physical gestures, body parts and skins to make them more appealing. How much this digital exploitation of a gender abuses the values of women in the world?

We live in a global village, what these fashion advertising are trying to communicate, where there are several cultures in the world that are not compatible with the such exploitation of women?

Individual Background

Being an intellectual of marketing, I always have interest in advertising. Considering the fact, the most budget of any advertising in the world is being used in the fashion industry. Since last 1 year, I have been associated with a fashion brand, called French Connection United Kingdom (FCUK); however, unfortunately, not in the branding and advertising department, but as a sales representative in a franchise of FCUK. Despite of it, my experience there is helping me learning allot in terms of how the fashion industry operates and how human figure is important in the realm of fashion (Daniels, E. A. and Wartena, H. 2001, pp. 569). This part time workout is also helping me in understanding the ...
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