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Our company currently into running, walking, cross training, basketball, tennis, adventure sports, football and kids etc. In it's our company training shoes category, it will have its share in major part in business. (Joshi 2005)

Primary Research

Primary information that can directly affect decisions of targeting, positioning, and marketing effort as the whole can be obtained through the survey. The survey was conducted in Sydney at UTS Business. (The Economist 2006)

The survey aims to identify total segment potential. We will be able to understand position of our competitors in market and perception of targeted customers about those brands as well as of Our company. We can also find out what people look for in Our company Shoes and identify areas where we can focus to provide maximum satisfaction to customer. (Dev 2005)

Secondary Research

Market Size and Growth

Our company has its share in global market and American and Asian shoe market. It faces competition from brands such as Nike, Adidas, Reebok and others which include Colorado, Puma, Fila etc. These have the fair level customer loyalty, and their market share. (Joshi 2005)

PEST Analysis

Political Factors

The American and Asian Government's ambitious trade policy is geared towards increasing economic activity, creating jobs and getting the fair deal for North America and Asia pacific in international marketplace. The Government places the high priority on consultation with business and community, to ensure that trade policy objectives developed by Government sufficiently reflect views, concerns and ambitions of American and Asian public. The American and Asian Government provides services to American and Asian business to access overseas markets. This can be highlighted through multilateral, bilateral and regional trade policies adopted by Government. North America and Asia pacific, through Global market Trade Organization (WTO) negotiates trade agreements which provide legal ground-rules for international trade. (The Economist 2006)

As the result, since political arena in North America and Asia pacific is stable, there seems to be great prospect for trade in North America and Asia pacific. In North America and Asia pacific, TCFL industry (textile, clothing, footwear and leather) is the major component of trade industry. Consequently, TCFL industry is influenced by Government and economic policies such as interest rates, budgetary control, trade agreements etc.. The American and Asian Government, in the attempt to encourage trade in footwear as well as in clothing sector, decided to freeze Footwear and Clothing tariffs from " July 1, 2010 levels until January 1, 2015".(Dev 2005)

Sub Sector


After 2015

Clothing & finished textiles

25 %

17.5 %

Cotton sheeting & fabrics

15 %

10 %


15 %

10 %


15 %

10 %

Sleeping bags, table linen

10 %

7.5 %

Footwear parts

10 %

7.5 %

Other (yarns, leather)

5 %

5 %

Table-1: American and Asian Tariffs on Textile Clothing and Footwear Industry

The American and Asian Government's decision at freezing Footwear and Clothing Tariff will enable Our company Footwear to reinforce its competitive position in American and Asian market. Moreover, change in imports of footwear increased from "36.4% to 64.9%" and this emphasize fact that high quality shoes is in great demand in North America and Asia pacific. (Joshi 2005)

Economic Factors

The International Monetary Fund ...
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