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SWOT Analysis of Two Oil Companies

SWOT Analysis of Two Oil Companies

Royal Dutch Shell

Company Overview and Business Description

The oil company shell is, engaged in the business of the oil and gas exploration and also in the marketing, production and the transpiration of oil, gas and electricity. The company is also involved in the shipping of the oil and the chemical products. Currently, the company is also incorporating in the business of the wind and solar energy along with the hydrogen and other renewable resources. The company is headquartered in Hague in Netherlands and operating in 70 countries internationally. There approximately are 87,000 employees employed in the company. In totality the company is involved in the business of oil and natural gas in all terms and aspects all over the world. There are two types of business in which the company in engaged in. The first is the upstream segment which involves the exploration of the crudes oil and also the recovery of the natural gas around the globe. The company also has some joint ventures in this segment. The downstream section administers Shell's assembling, conveyance, and showcasing exercises for oil items and chemicals. The segment embodies the downstream organizations of assembling which incorporates the accompanying: refining and supply and dissemination; showcasing which incorporates retail, the segment offers an extent of items incorporating fills, oils, bitumen, and condensed petroleum gas (LPG) for home, transport, and mechanical utilization. The chemicals business produces and showcases petrochemicals for streamlined clients incorporating the raw material for the coatings, plastic and detergents (Royal Dutch Shell, 2013).

Major products

The major products of the Shell Company are divided into three major segments. The first segment is gas and power which entails in it the compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, renewable energy and the electricity. The second segment of the company's products is the oil products which incorporate in it the gasoline, low-Sulfur diesel, light heating oil, lead replacement fuel, marine lubricants, aviation fuel and bitumen products. The third segment of the product is the chemical products which include alpha olefins, detergent alcohols, solvents, glycols, lower olefins, styrene monomers and some other similar products (Coupland, 2004, 1325-1347).

Revenue analysis

In the fiscal year 2012, the Shell recorded the revenues the approximately $ 467,000 million. This figure has the decrease of around 0.6% as compared to the fiscal year 2011. The company generates the sales and the revenues from two major business segments defined above. These include the upstream business contribution of $43,500 million approximately and the downstream business contributes $84 million (Coupland, 2004, 1325-1347).

SWOT Analysis of Shell


Strong Market Position

The company is one of the largest and leading oil companies in the world. Apart from this the operations of the company is in 70 countries of the world. The interest of the company is in major refineries of the world which makes it market position stronger. The company is the only one in the industry to have the world largest single brand ...
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