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Relationship between Organisational Structure and Culture

Relationship between Organisational Structure and Culture

Task 1.1

BMW is one of the most recognized luxury brands and innovative. BMW is not only a status symbol but also of functionality and sustainability. Getting a car is considered green and elegant is not easy, but the German company founded in 1918 has achieved. In 1973 he became the first automotive company to have an environmental manager in your chart and has since become a leader in its industry on this issue. The organizational structure that is followed by BMW is hierarchical organizational structure. A hierarchical organization is the provision of a pyramid. All employees of the organization, except one (usually the CEO), is subordinate to another person within the organization (Zheng, 2010).

The design consists of several entities that descend to base staff level employees, who sit at the bottom of the pyramid. In a hierarchical structure, the staircase rises to a higher authority figure. Within the range are the departments with clear roles and their managers. With this type of vertical structure, employees know who to report problems. In a very small business, you may have only a couple of employees at every level, a small weekly newspaper, for example, may have two advertising agents who carry out the advertising department. The editorial department could have two journalists and a page designer, also at the bottom of the hierarchy. An editor manages the editorial staff. The editor directs the editing department and advertising and business owner manages the editor (Linnenluecke, & Griffiths, 2010). Each employee seeks the guidance of the supervisor who is directly over another. You can hire managers at every level who are experts in the specific function of the department. In other organizations, you may have a manager who supervises workers with many functions. The manager may have a basic understanding of each function, but not an in-depth understanding. Managers with expertise in a specialized area can guide employees to advanced levels. You can train your employees in software, programs, machines and other skills necessary to perform their job well. They may have departmental meetings that encourage personal development. Employees who feel confidence in the competence of its managers want to learn from them. Thus, your managers build a strong department that can improve the success of your organization.


BMW Organziational Structure

BMW has made great efforts to be sustainable in an industry where it is common to. It is known as one of the greenest global brand, but has also fallen into the trap of greenwashing, giving wide publicity to actions alone are responsible for the form, but not substance. It has taken time to introduce electric and hybrid models, but it is very likely that in the coming years this market leading end.

Task 1.2

Organizational behavior focuses mainly on two elements combined, the culture and structure. These are permanently influence. Cultural issues have to do with the customs, rituals, beliefs of its members and their shared ...
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