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Marketing Management



Discussion Analysis6

Task One6

Target Market6

Marketing strategy of Branding, launching and Production7

Benefits and Costs of Online Market Orientation of Trevz8

Benefits of Marketing Orientation8

Cost of Marketing Orientation8

Various Online Marketing Strategies9

Use Images While Posting to Facebook9

Posting Regular Content for Sustained Growth9

Run a Campaign of Launchrock10

Enlarge Exposure of your Communities with Social Buttons10

Influence Social Reviews to Make Routine of Mouth Marketing11

Creation of Micro Content11

Run a Twitter Question & Answer11

Experiment with Different Titles in Your Blog Posts12

Investment in an Infographic12

Create a Complimentary Board on Pinterest12

Task Two13

Online Marketing Strategy and its Ethics13

Objectives of Trevz13

Evaluation of the Performance14

Task Three14

Critical Report14

Marketing Plan of New Target Strategy15

SWOT Analysis15

SWOT Analysis for SEO16





International and Local Marketing17




This paper highlights the web marketing strategies for a new Eco Fashion Brand and to investigate the target market for effective outcomes. This marketing strategy also includes recommendation and proper justification for the adopted strategies with clear objectives. This paper also includes a critical report that will justify the marketing choices. The report will also include recommendations for further promotion of the website including a reasonable budget increase linked to aims, objectives and key performance indicators.

Marketing Management


The current and immediate growth of e-business is reflecting strong influences on entrepreneurs, particularly in the SMEs “Small and Medium Enterprises” (Gery, 2005 p 6). E-commerce also reveals an important selection for the survival and the growth of online business. In modern times, marketing has gained a dominant role with the arrival of huge globalization and production. Today, manager requires having a complete understanding and knowledge about marketing for performing tasks in an effective way. It establishes a potential connection between a company and its consumers. Fashion branding is a complex domain in the U.K as it is the most trendy and speedy variant of current demands. Trevz is a South African brand that designs trendy products, targeting the market of Millenials. They deal internationally and running a successful online business.

Marketing is an activity for satisfying the needs of customers by the help of various exchange processes. It includes activities like marketing research, product development, pricing, promotion, communication and selling procedures. Marketing plays a primary function in developing the demand and price of the products. It sees business from the greater point of view to get the ultimate results from selling. It can be said that marketing is a concept that consider the whole business process in a great integrated effort for creating, discovering, satisfying and arousing consumer needs. There are four key elements of marketing in a business, to which professor Jerome Mc Carthy described as the four P's of the marketing mix. These marketing elements are product, place, price and promotion. These are main pillars that hold the concept of marketing.

It is significant to analyze that success in international business is a risky job for many highly experienced multinational companies, as meeting the international standard is difficult than working local. Many kinds of problems can occur, such as culture issue, trade limitations, political differences, resources allocation and strategic management of ...
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