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British Airways case Analysis

British Airways case Analysis


British Airline in known as the largest airline company that has able to perform its business operations affectively from within the country and over the years has able to expand its operations to across the globe (Bamford & Xystouri, 2005, pp. 306-322). With frequent change in the business era, and with increasing demand of the customers it was becoming necessary for the British Airlines to reformulate in internal and external strategy in order to meet the increasing demand, and stiff competition of the airline industry (Canel et al, 2000, pp. 51-60).

During the ending of nineteenth century the company started to suffer huge losses, as its majority of first and business class customers started to travel with rival companies, as these airlines were charging economical fairs, and were providing passengers with unique offers. Increasing internal issues like strike of employees for three days and other internal problems were considered as another major issue that played a major role in company declining sales, profit, and shifting of customers (Chau & Kao, 2009, pp. 106-134).

However, these problems and stiff competition is not new for the management of British Airline, as they have successfully overcome such issue previously, and the way in which BA bounce back was extraordinary and was even appraised by its severe competitors. Thus, in order to overcome almost identical problems the management of the company reformulated service strategies, and completely redesigned the structure of the company (Chen et al, 2008, pp. 149-160). The next section will provide detail analysis of its new service strategies, and in the end will provide some recommendation through which company can further improve the quality of its services (Frow & Payne, 2007, pp. 89-101).


The management of the company was aware of the fact that they are currently facing an uphill task, and also that they have to work extremely hard with full determination in order to overcome these challenge and to improved the position of the company(Gilbert & Wong, 2003, pp. 519-532). In the first phase, the management decided that the best possible way of improving the service structure is to ask customer with their suggestion regarding the quality of the service and ways through which we can further improve our service.

Moreover, around 1995 the company disclosed its new service structure that was divided into two parts. In initial phase, management redesigned the internal structure of planes, and reformed the service outline and its solution (Bamford & Xystouri, 2005, pp. 306-322). The prime objective of taking these fundamental steps was that management has realized that the time has completely change and that now they have to primarily focus on customer preferences, expectations, and to ensure that the needs and desires of each customer are fulfilled.

These sudden changes were appreciated by the customers, but results were not that exceptional however, management realized that change is the only solution of their existing problems (Canel et al, 2000, pp. 51-60). In process of changing the internal structure of ...
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