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Alcohol marketing research: the need for a new agenda

Alcohol marketing research: the need for a new agenda


Most of the marketing companies are observed of using four common tools (design, pricing, distribution, and promotion) through which they can easily link the needs of customers and products. (Meir, 2010) in his study has primarily focused on the promotional strategies used by companies for selling and increasing consumption of their product. The major reason of selecting promotional activity is that it comprises of numerous techniques through which companies can communicated with potential customers, for example, company in recent era are attracting their customers through proper placement of their product in major stores across the country.

In order to accomplish his goals of understanding the trend of alcohol marketing research the researcher has restricted his boundaries so that I he can focus on promotional strategies used by alcohol marketing companies to attract existing and new customers. During the course of this study researcher come across with extensive literature indicating that numerous amount of research has been done on this, particular topic but most those researches was based upon advertising strategies of alcohol marketing (Stremersch & Van, 2009). On the other hand, various longitudinal studies and general reviews clearly indicate that advertising in modern period has played a major role in influencing the drinking culture of customers.

Outcome of major longitudinal studies pave the way forward to raise a counter argument against the traditional thinking of marketing people that concept of marketing can control or manipulate the share of particular product in market but it cannot control of manipulate the consumption of product. These outcomes also raise certain question over the existing policy of alcohol marketing because according to (Nicholls, 2012) policy makers of the country are not on the same page while making policies regarding the marketing of alcohol particularly when these individual has to juggle between health of people and economic progression.

However, researcher appraised the recent policy of the government regarding promotional and advertising activities because it provides clear illustration on (size of market, timing of effect and comparative effect of policy on consumption). Researcher acknowledges the presence of vast and informative literature of alcohol marketing but surprise after learning that none of the existing literature focuses on these elements of the latest policy implemented by the government (Meler, 2010). In addition to understanding the trend of alcohol marketing research it also aims to provide in-depth analysis of important requirements while conducting in-depth evaluation of existing policy and to endow unique ideas for improving the existing situation and moving forward. In quest of his objective researcher concentrated on marketing techniques used by companies for existing drinkers and observed that existing researcher and political authorities believes that marketing of alcohol is harmful for children particularly of young age because they lack skills or experience of differentiating between good and bad and thus tend to learn from the harsh experiences of life. The major objective of using youth population in previous study was that it ...
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