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Where next for Grant Garden Centre

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Where next for Grant Garden Centre


The business of Grant Garden Centre is principally head by John, who inherited it from his father around forty years ago. John has also involved his children in his business, where Malcolm looks after the financial issues of the company, and Jane looks after for the marketing and communication of the business. However, since a couple of years, the company is not operating effectively due to several reasons; however, amongst them - the attitude of John is also considerably a factor that has affected the business.

PESTEL Framework

In this framework there are two aspects of PESTEL analysis are put under consideration, which are associated with the Grant Garden Centers. However, the two aspects are needed to be external, which has affected the operation of the business in a significant manner (Yüksel, I. 2012, pp. 58).

Considering this fact, the two factors selected are “Technological” and “Environmental”. These two factors are very much associated with the problems in the operation of the business of Grant Garden Centers.

Technological Factors

The reason behind choosing this factor is merely that it has a direct and deep connection with the operation of the business. The technological factor is put under consideration, when it comes to analyze the technological aspects that are being utilized in the business. As mentioned in the case study, the business operates with a technological mechanism, that deals in the financial, operational and management factors of the business (Lee, AW. 1994). The I.T. infrastructure is supposed to manage the financial operation of each business unit; however, the outdated version of the soft used by the business does not allow them to get the data from all three centers simultaneously and also analyze the working of each employee to maintain a proper salary sheet of each worker in all the business units (Yüksel, I. 2012, pp. 58).

Thus, the lack of a strong I.T. structure is principally one of the significant problems in the business operation of Grant Garden Centers. The resignation of the employees is also dependent upon the poor I.T. structure, since the employees are not been able to get their salaries on time and also it has started creating problems in the co-ordination amongst all the three business units that are operating at three different locations (Yüksel, I. 2012, pp. 58). There was just John, who has looking all three centres, but still he requires someone in every centre in his absence. Thus, he has appointed his friends as the key official of all three centers; but the lack of coordination created problems between them and those senior people have also started leaving the business.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors include the weather conditions, the utilization of the natural resources, which affects upon the growth and nourishment of the plants. Weather plays a pivotal role in the operation of a business, especially which is associated with farming and gardening, because bad weather can cause serious harm to the plants (Lee, ...
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