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Service Sector Marketing

Service Sector Marketing


Marketing is a process of communicating the speciality of the product or service in order to enhance the sale of the product or service. Marketing depends upon the needs of the customer. It is a process of finding the demands and needs of the customer and delivers the product or service which may satisfy the customer. It involves the process of transferring the product from the production end to the user (Grönroos, 2006, pp. 317). The marketing of service is different from the marketing of product. It is necessary to market the product or service because it creates positive impression on the customer. In product marketing the supplier has a chance to reoccupy the customer, but service client usually belief of first experience. In service marketing the way services provider inspires the customer by using different techniques matters a lot.

The service is an intangible item and cannot be replaced or changed if the customer does not satisfy with the service. It is the image of the service provider which should be good and efficient enough to catch the attention of the customer. In service marketing the response from the service provider is important. The quality of the service matters a lot in service marketing. Usually five most important marketing tools or discipline used in marketing communication. It includes sales promotion, advertising, public relation, personal selling, and direct marketing. Many techniques are available to market the product and service and deliver the message of the service provider to target audience. The suitable mix of these techniques or tools may be used with the combination of media. The process of marketing can be performed by means of media advertisements techniques.

Question 1

Objectives of Services Communications

Satisfaction, benefits, activities presented for sale or available in combination of goods referred to as service marketing. Services includes the entire activities of economic criteria whose outcome is not construction or a physical product, and includes value added services like convenience, timeliness, amusement, health or comfort) that are necessarily insubstantial concerns of the purchaser.

The objectives of services communications differ greatly in comparison with the communications of product's objectives (Bartels, 1988, pp. 248). The personnel responsible for devising service communication messages need to take into account the fact that services are intangible. Since they do not have a physical shape, the communication message in the context of services must be tailored on the aspect of intangibility. The communication of goods marketing uses the images of its product and positions the product accordingly in customer's minds. However, in the case of services, it's impossible to devise communication messages with the aspect of tangibility. Since services are produced and consumed simultaneously, the communication messages must look to incorporate this aspect in its communication messages.

Goods are not produced and consumed at the same time and thus there is a greater focus on separating the processes of production and consumption in the case of goods. There is a huge role of customer interaction ion ...
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