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VEENS Water Marketing Strategy

VEENS Water Marketing Strategy


VEEN Waters produces, advertise and promote smooth spring water stuff in a uniquely planned packing. VEEN is extraordinarily smooth spring water from Lapland, Finland. Smooth water; is a characteristic that has been associated with VEEN for some time. VEEN Spring Waters viability has been thought of as nothing less than advanced quality. This means that the watered product is unharmed by nitrate with the traces of only 0.15 mg per litre. The water is passed through a filter through grimy territory and packaged just as it has been hauled up from primitive of the Water's sources (Verouden & Meijman, 2010, p.19). Clear VEEN Velvet is said to be the smoothest ever spring water in the world. It is suggested to be cherished and enjoyed at room warmth with foodstuff, wine and fine friends. VEEN Velvet is being served up in VEEN Wave 0.66L bottle and currently in addition in the fresh 0.33L Long John33 packaged bottle with only a touch of fizz. Soothingly spotless VEEN aerated is a great counterpart for fruit as well as vegetables. VEEN Effervescent is being served in the packaged VEEN Round 0.69L bottle intended for carbonated waters and is now also made available in smaller 0,33L LongJohn33packaging. (Verouden & Meijman, 2010, p.19)

Marketing Mix of VEEN Water

First we need to analyze the marketing mix of VEEN water, what changes are needed to be done in the marketing mix as well. We will discuss the bottled water industry of Brazil in detail. Whenever any organization tries to enter into any new market, then there are chances that they need to be extremely precise with their Marketing Mix, look at the prospective strength of their brand (Wilk, 2006, p.325).


Basically no adjustments are needed to be made to the product. Since the excellence and quality is optimal, there will be no change in whatever thing about the real water. The exclusive design of the package shows the Finnish origin, and rather than trying to mould completely into another culture, they should try to stay true to their roots (Wilk, 2006, p.325). But to encourage worldwide product acknowledgment, there is no need to change the appearance of the bottle. VEEN's confined dispenser will be accountable for exposure needed changes to the tag as regards to the Brazilian local necessities such as language and other factors. 

VEEN can perfectly complement foodstuff, fine wine, all types of teas and even whiskey. In 2010, Fine Magazine chose VEEN as the finest water that can be used with wine. The cause is found to be the enormously near to the ground level of mineral contents in VEEN spring water (Wilk, 2006, p.325). For the identical motive, chefs at some of the famous restaurants and hotels advocate it as the mainly favored water to go together with excellent food. Hotels in addition employ VEEN to prepare fine yield teas that result in the augmentation of the drinking occurrence. VEEN has been linked with velvetiness and close to zero ...
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