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Leadership and Governance

Executive Summary

The leadership is a highly discusses phenomenon for different kinds of management styles that exist all around the world. There are many kinds of leadership styles that are used for the purpose of achieving organizations goals. This paper discusses the similarities and differences between Japan and other Anglo countries. The discussion is based on behavioural theories, personal traits and cultural dimensions of both the countries. Today's leaders need to have all kinds of important characteristics for developing important goals for the organizations and achieving optimum results. There have been reports that recent reports have focused more on leaders that are charismatic and examination of these takes place according to Japanese style of leadership.

The main aims of effective leadership are to maintain a firm's ability to meet new challenges. The managers have their innate capabilities to encourage team work and to motivate individuals to use their potential improvement. The Japanese society has established more closed relationships in their social settings. They accept and respect formal settings and do not question their higher authority. The Anglo countries on the other hand are low on power distance and there is little hesitation on asking questions and many at times the boss is bypassed. The employees are independent individuals and does not work according to what boss think but do as they feel is right. Similarly, the Japanese style of management can lower human inequality issues and have leadership style which is suited with their environment.

Executive Summary1



The Trait theories4

Behavioural Theories4

The Japanese leadership Style6

Comparison between Japan and Anglo countries8


Communication, Leadership and Culture9



Leadership and Governance


Leadership has been one of the most discusses topic in the context of management (Conant, Mokowa, and Varadarajan, 2010). It is known that there is no single definition of leadership and it is an influencing process between leaders and followers. The main aims are that a leader gets the organizational goals achieved through his vision and methods that are followed by others in the organization (Pearce, Yoo, & Alavi, 2000). The early studies in the area mainly focused on trait theories and identified the personality characteristics of an ideal leader. However, when these traits were not successful, there were examinations made on certain behaviours that would help differentiate leaders from followers. Even still the researchers were not able to define a particular theory of leadership style. This paper aims at understanding the leadership style and practices in Japan and comparison with other Anglo countries (Bass, 2008). Further, the contingency theories said that effective leadership style greatly depended on the situation the company and its workers are in. therefore, the contingency theory replaced the idea that there was a single best solution to the problems of the leadership.


The most recent research has focused on the charismatic and transformational theories of leadership and examination of these in the context of Japanese work place practices (McClelland & Boyatzis, 1982). Leadership is the process in which a person exerts his influence on others and motivates them to achieve the goals of the ...
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